chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Everything was dark, yet she could hear and feel everything, she just couldn't move or speak. She couldn't do anything.

She heard 3 boys talking.

"Will she be fine?" asked a boy with an English accent. Newt. It was his special accent.

"I think so, she just lost a lot of blood. It would be a while before she regains consciousness. "Said another boy. Oh no how long? She thought. I'm in a fucking room with 3 guys in it who can do whatever they want with me.

"A girl, the first change in 3 years. Maybe there is still hope that we can get out of here. "This is absolutely not good. She thought. They have been here for 3 years. And I am the first change. So there were only boys at first. AM I THE ONLY GIRL HERE? She thought. Also, really fucking great. She heard them speak and she did everything to say something or just move, it just didn't work out.

"I have to go Newt and Alby," the other boy said again. "Good that," Newt said. The other boy, apparently Alby, said, "I have to go too. Someone has to lead this thing. You watch her Newt. I don't want any guy to touch her or anything. The first girl, what must all those boys think now. Just make sure nothing happens to her. I'm going to have a keepersmeeting at 10 a.m. Shuckface just make shure you are there. We have a lot to discuss. Let her sleep here. Here she is much safer than outside. You're right next door. "I think he's the leader here. "Good that," said Newt. What strange words did they used here. Shuckface and Greenie.

She heard one boy walk away, but if she wasn't mistaken, Newt was still there. She panicked. He can do whatever he wants to her. Help!!!!!!!!!!!! She tried to scream. She could no longer breathe. Newt saw this and ran to her. He touched her arm to try to wake her up. He himself had no idea why he did that. She felt his hand and then she really panicked so hard she came out of her unconsciousness.

Immediately she sat up and shouted: "HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!" Newt was shocked because she was suddenly screaming sitting straight up. When he heard her voice with sheer terror, he was right next to her again.

"HELPPPP !!!!!!" "Where am I !!!!!" she kept yelling. Newt had come closer again and told her to calm down.

"Relax, greenie, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. It's okay I understand you're scare but take it easy." He yelled. But she didn't hear him. Another boy just came running in. She had to get out of here. She got up and wanted to run, but a hand on her arm pulled her back. "Don't touch me!" She yelled. Newt had her. She kicked him full on the knee causing him to fall to the floor and let her go. She quickly ran past the other boy into the hall. She saw a staircase half falling apart. She ran down the broken stairs as quickly as possible.

She felt the adrenaline rush into her veins. When she was outside the building, the sun was already setting slowly. What she saw was not normal. A large field with on the right a forest with trees that were almost dead and on the left hutches with animals in it. Everywhere she saw boys working hard. The building she ran out looked like it could collapse like that. The roof was broken, all the windows were broken, and the wall that was probably white at first was full of ivy and cracks. In front of her were all fields where boys were working. What she saw from here were tomatoes, cucumbers and even apples. She ran to the center and looked around. Four large gray walls that looked as if they had been there for hundreds of years, full of ivy and crumbled pieces that trapped her. She didn't know what she saw. Boys ran up to her, all surprised that she was awake.

I have to get out of here. How do I get out of this? She thought. There was an opening in the middle of all four walls. She ran to the opening closest to her as quickly as possible.

It was dark in the opening. She also saw several walls very high. It didn't look nice but she had to get out of here, so she took the risk. Just when she was about to run into the opening. She was pushed to the ground. She fell to the floor with her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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