Wishes and Declarations

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This is it. Only ten minutes until the first part of the case. The courtroom was big, colored with browns and grays. He was sat with Aizawa. His mother, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and for whatever reason, Onima was there too.

Todoroki had chosen not to press charges against Onima. In all honesty, he didn't care that Onima had beaten him. It was a one-time thing and Onima was drunk when it happened. It sucked yea, but he couldn't bring himself to cause all that unnecessary drama, on the off chance he might win that case too.

"Hey kid, whatever happens here, you should know we won't stop trying. There is a big chance we won't win, but we won't stop there. Our main priority is getting you out of his custody. So don't worry about anything right now. Focus on keeping your composure."

Todoroki nodded. "Thank you, Sensei."


That was awful to watch. Endeavor had everyone under his finger. They all believed his story at first, until Shoto's lawyer got to work, then the tides changed some. A majority of them still believed Endeavor, but more had seemed to switch to their side, agreeing that Endeavor did in fact abuse his family.

The Todoroki family (minus Endeavor) was disgusted. Heartbroken. Terrified. If they didn't win, Shoto might have to go back to him. It wouldn't affect them, only Shoto. He would be punished for standing up for himself.

Todoroki hadn't been paying close attention besides what his father's lawyer was saying.

Saying that Todoroki deserved it, and even wanted it since he had hurt himself. Their evidence was photos of Shoto cutting his arms and face, crying and smiling. They claimed he wanted, and told Endeavor to beat him.
That he liked the pain.


"All rise." Shoto stood up and watched as the judge walked out of the room. He turned to his mother and family.

Rei hugged him tightly, twisting his suit in the process. "I'm sorry. I'm-"

"Stop it. That's why we're here. To put an end to all of this."

Rei sniffled against his shoulder. "You're right. I love you. I know you have to go but make sure you come to see me as soon as possible after the verdict. Okay?" Todoroki nodded over her shoulder, trying to stop the tears from falling.

"I love you too mom." He turned to Fuyumi and hugged her, Natsuo just ruffled his hair.

"We'll all go get some cold soba soon, whether we win or not. Don't stress out too much okay?"

Todoroki nodded, and was led out of the courtroom by Aizawa, who had his hand on his shoulder. "You did good in there. Nice job not getting upset. I did feel when the room cooled down though."


Aizawa shrugged. "Anyways, Mic is here to pick you up, he's taking you back to the dorms. It might take a while for this to finish so you should relax. Sleep or eat or something. Don't be anywhere alone, please. If you have a panic attack you could hurt yourself."

"Thank you Sensei."

Mic drove him to the dorms, not asking too many questions. Just smiling wildly for some reason.

Kirishima was out on the porch deck, scrolling
through his phone when he heard a car pull
up. He stood up immediately and greeted Todoroki. "How'd it go?"

Todoroki held back the tears that were threatening him. He didn't want to lie to his classmates. It wasn't looking great.
Endeavor has done a lot more than most hero-wise, but it doesn't make it right.

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