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                                  Catra's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around, I was alley way? I couldn't fully remember what had happened, I knew I was heading to see Adora at the coffee shop.. I looked down to grab my phone and jumped back at the sight of my hand. The fuck?!?! Why is there, claws???

    I saw my hand fluff up as I got freaked out. I quickly snatched my phone from the ground. I opened the camera and turned onto myself. I screamed at the sight of myself, I had ears and fur??? My eyes were almost fully the colors and my pupils were slits. And there was a bleeding cut across my nose. I couldn't even feel it because of my heart racing so fast, I looked down and saw a tail whipping. I jumped back and it fluffed up. It flicked more as I stared at it, it was..mine? I swallowed hard and stood up, I looked around, noone was around..I can't be seen. I quickly grabbed my phone and called the person I can trust most.

"Scorpia??? Scorpia I'm gonna send you my location, please come with..sunglasses a beanie and a mask. Don't ask questions. Just come."

I spoke as quick as I could into the phone and just heard Scorpia go

"Huh-" as I hung up the phone quickly sending her my location. I rolled down my sleeves and un-cuffed my jeans to cover myself up as much as possible waiting for Scorpia. I ran behind a dumpster as I waited for her. I just looked all around my body over and over. I lifted up my shirt carefully, my scars stayed but,,they had a bit of fur fluffed up around them. I groaned, and I heard Scorpias truck pull up to the front of the alleyway. I saw her get out holding the things and I peeked out slowly.

"Psssttt! Over here!" I saw her look over and run over. I panicked as she got closer.

"Stop!! Toss me the stuff then look away." Scorpia looked confused at me,

"Whats going on Catra?"

"Just fucking do it!!!" I hissed out and I saw her flinch slightly. I heard the stuff drop and heard her shoes scrape as she turned around. I reached out my hand and grabbed the things quickly, I put it all on and stuffed my new found tail down my pants. And tucking my ears safely in my beanie. I walked out and Scorpia looked back confused,

"What's up with you?" She asked, I could see the worry in her eyes but I rushed past her jumping into her truck.

"We need to get to Entrapta, now." I slammed the car door closed and I watched as she walked over getting in. She started driving to the school without question and we sat in the car silently as we drove over. My mind was racing with so many thoughts, how am I gonna tell her?? I watched as we pulled up into the parking lot of the school.

As soon as we did I jumped out of the car running inside not caring if Scorpia was behind me. As I did I fell back as I ran straight into someone. I looked up to see Adora looking down at me, she looked confused and angry.

"Catra." I grunted looking back up at her,

"Adora." She looked more upset and offered me a hand. I took it standing myself back up.

"Why are your nails so long..wait nevermind that." She looked angirly at me.

"You blew me off!" She pointed an accusing finger at me and I groaned.

"NO I did not." I watched as she rolled her eyes pulling her hand back.

"Then what was that, hm?" I glared at her,

"ME getting busy, have you seen Entrapta?" I said quickly trying to get off the subject. She looked at me angrily,

"She's in the gym eating." She replied and I shoved past her running to the gym. She didn't stop me, but I could feel her eyes follow me till I turnt the corner. I didn't look back but I heard Scorpio running behind me. I ran into the gym to see Entrapta sitting on the bleachers eating crackers and writing on her notepad. I glanced around the gym and froze as I saw our gym teacher.

I started to feel dizzy as my heart sank, I stumbled back and felt Scorpia's arms catch me. I groaned and looked at him again, he looked me back directly in the eyes. Well the eyes that were both covered by sunglasses. I felt flashes of memories of what happened.

My breathing started getting faster, and blood started going down my mask as my heart raced. Forcing my blood to run faster, Scorpia looked at me with such great worry. I layer in her arms panicking as I remembered all he did, tears starting to run down my face.

The words 'friends next experiment' ran through my head over and over.

As I looked at Entrapta sitting there peacefully eating her crackers.

I started to rethink my decision.

Adora's P.O.V
"I can't believe her!! She blows me off then refuses to answer my questions!!" I sat beside Garret ranting to him as he looked at his phone holding my hand.

"Yeah that's a bitch way to handle things. But what do you expect." He replied glaring over at me, "DONT trust that slut, or rely on her for shit."

I glared at him,

"DONT talk so badly about her like that!" I yelled back at him and I immediately regretted my decision. "I-I'm sorry" I stumbled over my words and he slapped me.

"You better be fucking sorry don't you talk back to ME like that again" he glared at me and I swallowed hard. These are the times that make me rethink ever being in a relationship with him. I miss Catra.. I looked at him as he sat back down to play on his phone. But proms in a few days,, and I have no one else to go with, he's my only friend.

He's my person.

Hey guys.
Sorry this literally took me forever but whoever is reading this thank you Sm for waiting, I'm finally settling down in my new house and school and doing pretty ok :)) i love you all Sm thank you

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