Chapter Two

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I knew I should have pulled a disappearing act the moment Gabe, our head of security, came and told me that Tori wanted to see me. I just hope she doesn't become the next runaway bride-with Tori you never know.

Ashton Alexander, my best friend is getting hitched today to my cousin Tori Bryant and I do not want to be the one to break the news to him because I know he'll search the entire world for her and find some way to search heaven and hell just to beg her to come back and that's the only reason he got my blessings, best friend or not. Tori is like a sister to me and if Ashton didn't love her and adored her more than anything, then let's just say she would have still been complaining that I treat her child and run off all the boys.

I took a deep breath just outside her door, hoping for the best and knocked.

Shit! The mischievous smile on her face almost had me running, some ruthless business man I make. She gestured for me to enter the room and locked the door, making a big show of throwing away the key.

Survival instinct 101 was preparing me for this and I didn't take the hint, next time I get the urge to run-I'm gonna fucking run. I turned to face her, the words that left her mouth were so rapid I don't think she took a breath until I raised both my hands in a 'slow down' gesture. She smiled tentatively and repeated herself after taking a deep breath.

"would you let the singer I hired for today sing a certain song?... Pleeeaaseeee.?"


That should have been my answer to this ridiculous question, but the fucking puppy dog eyes got to me and this was her big day so I pushed down the nauseous feeling in my gut, gave her a placating smile and said "anything for you, baby girl".

Tori was looking at me like I would spontaneously combust and I don't blame her one bit.

Nobody knew why I went into a fit of rage whenever I heard that song and I would like to keep it that way. I don't want anyone to know how much of a fool I had been in love, how I sang that song under a girl's window while she was with someone else.

"Eeek! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'll love you forever and ever and ever and ever!" Tori squealed and threw her arms around me.

"Its ok you know, you can step out if you want, I won't feel bad or anything but I really want this song today, the only thing that would have made today better was if Jacob was here." Tori said gently.

"I know sweetheart" I replied. We both smiled at each other for few sconds then she opened the door for me to leave and I'm feeling like I just got punched in the gut from a world class boxer.

I left that room feeling light headed, lost in the past, hearing Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait being sung by an angel named Kelly Green. Remembering all the times I sung it with her, to her, "the perfect duet" she had said on a sigh the first time I joined her in singing it.

STOP! I wanted to shout to my brain and heart. I didn't want to relive those memories I desperately try to forget but they came crashing so hard and so fast, it was like watching a bullet come straight at you and your body doesn't obey your brain's command to run for cover.

I remember like it was Yesterday after graduation from college, my bachelors of business in hand, a reply from a private school to do a one year architectural course while I learn everything there is to know about my family owned business from my father at our company, Mc Garret's Contracting Company Limited, 'from foundation to finish'.

My parents decided that they wanted a taste of the ordinary life, so we packed up and moved from the city of Paradise to Moons Island boasting its one school, great fishing and wild night life for the summer. The house we rented was a nice cabin and was a stone's throw away from the actual beach.

I didn't protest because I needed a break too and my younger brother who just turned eighteen was home for the summer after being suspended for beating up the dean's son because according to Jacob "he looked at me funny".

Something was off with Jacob these past few months but I never had the time to sit and have a come to Jesus talk with him, I thought that he'll deal with his shit when the time came, I guess.

After we got settled I went for a walk, Jacob was holed up in his room blasting eighties rock. I didn't bother asking him to go with me. I walked around the town and on my way back stopped at the little convenience store a little way from the house to get a bottle of water. I got a bottle from the refrigerator and stood behind a lady in a loose top and long skirt, island wear I decided to call the outfit as most of the ladies and girls dressed from what I've seen so far.

"Thank you " I heard said in a soft voice, it came from the girl cashing and the glimpse I got at her items before they were bagged had me confused, what the hell would a chick be getting a cupcake, a candle and a box of matches for?.

A smile tugged at my lips as I came to the conclusion that she was giving herself a private birthday party. Then she turned and I just couldn't look away from her, God, her hair was swept to one side, so black, almost blue and so shiny, reaching about mid-thigh and what a thigh it was, lord, I just wanted to bury my hands in her hair, a man could get lost in all that hair. Her eyes looked so triumphant, like she just got the better of someone.

She looked so alive, but shy at the same time. She had a nice tan, a great rack, mmh, a nice ass too, impossibly long legs, her face was that of an angel, I've never seen a more beautiful girl in all my life, fuck! I'm turning into a pussy, sounding like a poet!

I couldn't stop smiling when she noticed me watching her, or when she looked behind herself to see if I was smiling at someone else, as if I could notice any one else in this world at that moment. I started chuckling when she wiped her face as if she had something there, I couldn't argue with her logic.

Seeing that she was ready to leave, I nodded to her and she looked away so fast I was sure she was blushing. I tracked her with my eyes while she walked down the aisle to leave the store and then she peeked over her shoulder, stopped, turned and from my guess attempted a nonchalant wave but instead she knocked down a few bags of chips off the shelf. She let out a little squeak of embarrassment, tossed the chips back onto the shelf and practically ran out the store and I'm pretty sure she was blushing.

It had been at least two hours and I still couldn't get that beautiful girl off my mind. I've resorted to walking on the beach, bleh! I hate sand between my toes, hence the socks and flip flops.

I stood on the sand facing the waves and closed my eyes, just listening to the wind and water when I heard it, a voice soft as silk, so mesmerizing, like it was caressing me, I opened my eyes hoping this wasn't a dream and thinking to myself that if the girl from earlier sang, her voice would be just like this. I followed the words of the song like a puppet on a string and the sight it led me to stole my breath away.

Sitting on a rock was a girl silhouetted by the light of the moon; her skin was bathed in the pale light. She was leaning back, her hands behind her supporting her weight, her face tipped to the sky, her hair blowing wildly behind her and then I realized that it really was her, the girl from the store because there was no way I could forget all that hair, but her voice, damn her voice was like warm water sluicing down my body.

I was just a few feet behind her, she could not have known I was there but it was as if she plucked the words from my heart because the words she sang next was me speaking from my soul to hers...

And so I'm sailing, through the seas,

To an island, where we'll meet,

You'll hear the music, fill the air,

I'll put a flower in your hair.

The Price Of Love. Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt