Chapter Seven

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'Mommy will never have another baby Caden'. What does that mean?

Does she not want another child? That can't be right, oh shit, can she not conceive again?

Damn, but it was adorable the way Caden and Kelly ran their fingers down each other's noses.

They used to send me there love?

All these thoughts were cut short by Kelly's broken voice. It was as if it was killing her to sing this song to Caden. Her eyes were squeezed shut, tears flowing down her face, her arms wrapped around Caden as tightly as his were around her. Her voice was still as beautiful as the first time I heard it only this time I was getting goose bumps on my arms as she hit a high note. Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, my parents were wrapped in each other's arms, my dad was openly crying, my Mom's face was buried in my father's chest. And all the hate I was keeping alive seeped away like a dam bursting its banks and I felt a burning behind my eyes. Shit! I was going to cry like a bitch looking at my parents and listening to Kelly's broken words. I looked away and swallowed the lump rising in my throat.

When you say you love me, do you know how I love you? The song was ended with those last two lines resonating within me. I remembered a time when Kelly sounded so broken, it was the day I found out she betrayed me.....

"How can you say that Cade, I don't want anyone but you!" Kelly shouts at me sounding helpless, but that does not explain why Jeremy was in her arms just minutes earlier. "Then tell me why you were just hugging and kissing Jeremy!" I shouted back getting angry, why she won't just tell me the truth is beyond me.

"Yes! We were hugging but that's all!" she shouts back at me. "Why won't you believe me?" she asks in a whisper "Because you've not given me the truth, all this time I thought you guys were just friends, Anna was right, wasn't she? When she told me you were with Jeremy since the first week we were together I didn't believe her because you said you loved me! I thought there was no way in hell you would cheat on me, that I was your one and only as much as you were mine!" I shouted, "what do you mean Anna was right Cade, you can't possibly believe her over me? When she has been trying to break us up from day one" Kelly says to me calmly. How can she be so calm when my heart is shattering into a million pieces right now.

"Yes! I believe her because she never lied to me, she told me what a selfish bitch you are, how mean you are to her, your own sister, she even told me what a whore you are but what I found out for myself is that you are a heartless lying bitch! I can't believe how stupid I was to fall for you!" I shout again punching the wall.

"Well there is nothing more I can say Cade, believe what you want or who you want, but when the truth comes to the light you'll regret every word you said to me today", Kelly says wiping her face, "If you're done calling me names I'd like you to leave now, always remember Cade, my love for you never came with a price, but whatever you're selling it for now would never be worth anything to you in this world" she said tears running down her face, her shoulders shaking, her voice cracking on the last words.

What the hell! She's trying to make me look like the bad guy here when she was fucking our friend behind my back.

"You know what Kelly your love was never worth anything to me, you were just a warm body, Anna would replace you just fine, I hope you and Jeremy live happily ever after in hell!" I say slamming her door on my way out. I stopped on the driveway trying to slow my breathing when she called my name "Cade! I wish I could take away the pain you would feel if you ever find out the truth and I will always love you, you're my one and only", she was standing behind me her whole body quivering, eyes puffy from crying, her hands fisted at her side and she was still beautiful but her voice, oh God, her voice was filled with so much pain, like she had to choke out the words. The urge to run to her and comfort her was so strong but I turned my back on her and never looked back.



"I love you baby, now go to your Dad" I heard Kelly say bringing me back to the present. Kelly was prying Caden off her and thrusting him into my arms. I looked down into Caden's face and everything stilled. Peace. That's what I felt holding my son for the first time.

"Please, always love him" Kelly whispers, bringing the magnitude of what I was doing to her crashing into me, but before I could utter a word she grabbed her purse and ran out of the room, the front door slamming from her hasty exit, by the time my mom came forward and took Caden from me and I made it to the drive way there was no sign of Kelly or her car.

I went back inside and got to know my son.

The Price Of Love. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now