Chapter 3

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I can see it, something or someone broke her. There is still a light in her eyes but it seems dull, still beautiful, but not as bright as it can be, as it should be. Her eyes are so damn intriguing, the browns form a sort of vortex that pulls you in, and all I want to do is stare right into them for as long as I possibly can, hoping I won't get lost. But if I do, that's okay too. I see the sweetness behind this cold façade she's putting up. I know it, she's been hurt, and very deep.

I feel so stupid for acting like a jerk earlier this morning, I was just so confused, I didn't know anyone or anything, well I know Jake and Chris, but Chris's not taking the same course that I'm taking and Jake was running late, so I had to wait for him, and I was on my nerves about finding the literature class when she bumped into me. I know it's not an excuse for being rude but it's the damn truth. I didn't think before I spoke. But my oh my, I was amused by her quick remarks and feistiness, it intrigued me even more, that's why I sort of ran after her, pushing for an apology. I should have said sorry and smiled. But no, my British ass humour had to take the lead, I didn't however know that my failed attempt at being sarcastic would let her believe that I'm a jerk. Not a very good meet cute.

"I'm sorry about this morning, about being a rude jerk." I say, and for staring at you during class, you're just so damn beautiful and I couldn't help it, I try to establish eye contact with those vortexes of hers. She looks up at me, caught by surprise, and her eyes soften immediately. Finally, I manage to do something right, and it almost feels like I can breathe easier. "It's okay, I'm sorry too, I was just in such a hurry and you caught me of guard, and I didn't know what to do, I'm usually a nice person, it's just, today's already not my day..." I can sense that she's nervous as she keeps on rambling, trying to explain to me, the jerk, why she was rude in return to my rudeness. I put my hand on hers and say "It's okay, really it was my fault, I was rude first, let's just start over, it seems we'll be seeing each other a lot from now on, and I don't want it to be weird and awkward." She doesn't remove her hand from mine for about two seconds. She just shakes her head, and my chest tightens when she blushes. "Friends?" I say and hold my hand out gesturing a hand shake. She takes a second to think about it and twirls her very light blonde, almost white hair between her two fingers. "Acquaintances." She shakes my hand with a small smile on her face. Not what I expected, but I'll take what I can get, after about two seconds of looking into her eyes she leans over "Friendship and trust needs to be earned, but you're well on your way." she almost whispers.

My heart almost breaks for her, what could've caused such a beautiful girl this must pain so early in her life. Why would anyone break her trust? She must have been such a sweet and warm person before she set up this cold façade, before building these damn high walls. Heck, she still is, I can see it. I can see it in the way she smiled when Adam asked Jane to the wedding, the way she spoke to the waiter, the way she smiled when a little bird came to the table and asked for some crumbs, even the way she just apologised to me as well, I can see it - her eyes betray that, even if she doesn't know it. She's just put up her walls so damn high. I don't know why, but every piece of my being intends on earning her trust. Even if it means I have to try every day for the rest of my life.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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