78. Cut The Tension With A Knife (S.M)

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This is written in first person!

Have you ever wanted to start something with someone?

Maybe flirt with them? Maybe a quick kiss? Maybe something more..?

I think that we all have that one person that we would want to risk it all for.

For me, my person is currently standing right in front of me.

And his name is Shawn Mendes.

He's undeniably unattractive, with a head full of brown hair and a face full of adoring features with hazel eyes and rosy lips. He's in my apartment, dropping off a set of groceries and a note filled with ideas as to what I can get busy with.

I'd rather get busy, with him, but I know that'll never happen.

The last few months have been completely boring, but I guess that makes sense, considering that the world is currently in the middle of a pandemic. In that time, my feelings for Shawn have shot up through the roof and I can barely deal with it.

He's here today because he wants to be of some service of him, which is the typical Shawn-like thing to do and I hate him for it.

Standing there, looking all innocent and asking me if I need anything else. . .

Yes, I need you. You fucking idiot.

It's not like I'll ever say that out loud though. I'm too much of a coward, and he's too much out of my league.

"Everything is fine. Thanks for doing this for me!" I say as I reach over to my counter, grabbing the thoughtful note.

"Do you want to hang out?"

I freeze for a second, and I don't even know what I should say.

He seems to notice the awkwardness, and stutters, saying, "I get it. We're in a pandemic and you don't really know where I've been."

Actually, I do sort of know where he's been. He's been at home for the past few months, respecting the new quarantine lifestyle like I have. I know why he's lying about that though.

He doesn't want to make this more awkward if I reject his offer.

Should I? I mean, should I reject his offer?

We haven't spent much time together in person ever since the pandemic began, which was the time when I started to develop feeling for him.

Maybe it was the inherent loneliness in being alone in my apartment, and knowing that he was the only person who bothered to check up on me. Or maybe, it's because he's Shawn.

It's impossible not to like him.

I've known him for a few years now. We met in college and decided to stay friends even after we graduated. He's charming, kind, and the perfect friend.


I don't really know why I had to go ahead and jeopardize our entire friendship by having feelings for me. I just couldn't help it.

"Y/N?" Shawn asks suddenly, interrupting my thought process.

"Oh, yeah! Yeah. It's fine. Yeah, yeah." I tell him.

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