12. Tattoo (S.M)

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"Stop crying about it. You're the one that wanted to get the tattoo," you tell Shawn.

He shuts his eyes and doesn't say anything, he seems to be trying to hold in the tears. It makes you laugh a little but you maintain quiet so that he doesn't get angry.

"It's almost done," Livia tells Shawn.

He starts shaking in his seat and finally, screams from the pain. You can't help but laughing as he glares at you.

"Shut up, Y/N!" He yells at you.

You continue laughing and he rolls his eyes. You admire the tattoo on his arm, it's a guitar with a symbolic message. You think about how Shawn had included a voice wave of you, Aaliyah, and his parents saying, "I love you" and it warms your heart.

"It's down," Livia says.

He looks down at the new tattoo on his arm. He smiles and looks back at you.

"Do you like it?" He asks you.

"I love it," you respond. "See, it wasn't that bad, was it?"

He rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever."

"Is there anything else you want?" Livia ask Shawn.

Shawn turns his attention to her but he looks at you also as he answers, "I've already got everything I've ever wanted."

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