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Mason paced her cell, once again. There wasn't much to do in the prison, being trapped and all. But Mason found joy in talking to the boy in the cell next to hers. His name was Luke and he was her age, but he'd only been at Base 6 for a month. She'd been trapped for nearly half a decade. But today Luke wasn't in his cell. He was in the lab for testing, leaving Mason alone and bored.

Mason's wings were soft as a child, but after 5 years of being uncleaned they were dirty and stiff. But Mason didn't mind. Cleaning her wings gave her something to do. But sometimes she got carried away and some of the feathers fell out. It didn't matter though. They came back after a few weeks, but the bald spots often itched and they bled after she rubbed them raw.

"Being alone often leads to one going mad." Mason's conscious spoke. She'd named it last year after it had became her only friend. She thought Ashton was a good name. So it stuck.

"Being alone often leads to one becoming independent." Mason countered. Ashton laughed harshly and she could picture him with an evil grin if he were real.

"Independence is something you'll never have, Mason. You're trapped here." Ashton spoke with a scoff. Mason crossed her arms and kicked the cement wall before her. She didn't reply to Ashton, and he doesn't like it when she didn't. But he refused to show that he needed her. He wanted her to talk to him.

Mason picked up a stone she found in the corner of them room and tossed it in her hands. She remembers going to the circus as a child and seeing the clowns juggle. She found two more stones and tried to mimic the act. But she failed, and gave up after one try.

"See Mason. You're a failure." Ashton hissed. Tears welled in Mason's eyes causing her to blink rapidly. But no tears fell. They never did anymore. But she didn't mind. Crying proves you're weak she always said. So she never did.

Suddenly a noise like metal ground against metal sounded through Mason's cell. A cell door had been opened. It wasn't hers, so she ran to the wall separating her and Luke, hoping he'd returned. The walls shook and plaster fell from the ceiling. When the mini earthquake stopped, Mason called for her friend.

"Luke?" She shouted loud enough for him to hear through the concrete. Her heart raced in anticipation. She liked Luke. And Luke liked her. So Luke had sworn to Mason that one day when they were free, they were going to run away. But that is a dream. And this is reality.

After waiting for a reply from Luke, which never came, she wondered whose cell door was opened. She put her ear against the steel door to listen to the guards in the hall. Their mumbles were hard to understand, and unusually quiet. Mason couldn't quite make out what they had said. Ashton spoke up.

"They're cleaning out a cell, you know." He says quietly. Mason furrowed her eyebrows and thought very hard as to why the guards were doing so.

"I think there's a new inmate." She whispered. Mason didn't want the guards to hear her talking to herself. In her eyes, this was completely normal because she could hear Ashton. The guards on the other hand, couldn't.

Ashton laughed. "A new inmate? Right next to you? Yeah right."

"Luke is next to me." She said quietly. Ashton laughed again, but he didn't reply. Mason sat in the farthest corner from the door. She tapped her nails against the stone floor and wished Luke was back. She didn't like being lonely although she knew she was. She had been for almost her entire life. But that didn't stop her from doing great things.

Mason never gave up, even after she'd lost her family. She lost her entire life and still she tries. You might ask why? Even Mason had no idea.

Yeah. We'll see where this goes I guess... Somebody asked that I update this so I did. And expect really slow, short updates. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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