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the class was finally fished and Xiangling and Childe's hands had already gone numb. as the others were getting their lunch Zhongli abruptly came in. "have you guys sean Ningguang? she just left in a hurry when class was finished" Zhongli wondered where she was. everyone said they haven't seen her this the whole day and started to wonder where the girl was.

while they were wondering they didn't notice Childe came in. "Lumine can I have some of your lunch" even though this was a question Lumine knew that this was more of a command than a question. Aether heard what Childe had said and was annoyed that he asked Lumine then just buying himself some food 'we all know you have money childe why no use it!'. "you are not eating my sister's lunch Wallmart Ed Sheeran!" Aether told Childe. as they were arguing Lumine just put on some headphones and eat while paying genshin.

Lisa was eating her signature vegetable soup while Jean forgot her Lunch because she was in a hurry doing her morning routine. Xiangling saw that Jean didn't have lunch and asked if she wants some of hers. "thanks Xiangling you're a lifesaver" Jean said while Xiangling just smiled and walked away. "president there are some papers you need to look at" Amber told Jean. "alright ill look at it later" Jean replied to a smiling amber. 'work never lets me relax does it?'.

"Diluc do you have any cash, I forgot my wallet at home," keaya asked and Diluc returned with a no. 'even if I had brought my wallet I wouldn't have given you any'.

"Lumine do you like anybody?" Childe asked thinking she would say nobody. "yeah." Lumine answered not giving a thought. Even though Childe was surprised to hear this he asked who it is. "(y/n)". 'ofc who did I think it was' Childe was starting to dought if he knew his friend anymore.

to be continued...


I ran on what to say so I'm gonna make some filler/little side stories sorry!

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