Tomorrow - Sakura x Reader

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You drew a shaky breath as you looked at the garden below you, one filled with a few plants such as cabbage, carrots, and tomatoes. It was a garden that a few members of the gardening club had always managed to keep up with, even if it seemed rather small.

You stood in your uniform on the school balcony, a place that was usually closed off to students. Yet, given that it was after school, mostly everyone was gone and you were free to do as you pleased.

Or at least, you were supposed to be able to.

But given just how shy you had always seemed, you kinda roped yourself into a strange situation.

The thing is, from a young age you've always been able to see the strange entities that seemed to linger around everyone. Some were scary, some were cute, and some looked completely normal that you wouldn't have suspected something at first had they been in a crowd.

You weren't exactly sure how it was possible, maybe it had something to do with your bloodline, but soon enough you had adapted to being able to see things others couldn't.

And you believed you had done a good job acting like you couldn't. The second you saw a ghost, you would quickly look away or go in the opposite direction, hiding in a nearby crowd of other classmates.

You hardly ever spoke, blending in with all the people around you. It was somewhat funny, since when you were alone, you would talk your own ear off. It was easier to talk to yourself than anyone else.

It wasn't until a few days ago, where you found a strange lavender colored envelope in your bag, that things started to change. It held a neatly written letter that had given you directions to a place in the school and told you that there was something important to discuss, as well as a small pin shaped like a white heart.

You had visited the room, thinking it had been a confession, but there you had found three people and each of them had known your secret. They acted somewhat calm at first, the beautiful green haired female, Sakura, offering you tea as she spoke about how she could also see the apparitions, one of them being the dark haired boy. You hung on her every word, somewhat drawn in with the way she appeared to be.

You had been shy at first, but soon adjusted to how nice she and what you assumed to be her friends, Hyuuga and Tsukasa, had been. You and them talked for a bit, mostly regarding a broadcasting club that they had and the occasion flirting Hyuuga sent Sakura's way. Something about them made you feel safe and wanted, and you couldn't help but smile. You had never heard of it, but they wanted you to join and you were unsure of it.

You had begun to notice the glances Tsukasa had given Sakura and began to get suspicious of the ghost. You questioned exactly what it was that the broadcasting club talked about, where Tsukasa too happily told you it was ghost rumors.

You may not have tried to talk to any ghosts, but you knew how rumors could affect the way that ghosts lived and something about the way he acted made you feel sick. Like he knew exactly what he was doing and enjoyed it.

You had suddenly stood up, saying you needed to go, but as soon as you reached for the door, you were roughly pulled backwards by the ghosts' hands.

It happened so quickly. Tsukasa held your wrist tightly, digging into the skin with his short fingernails, and told you that you had three days to agree. If you didn't report to Sakura by then, he'd let the other ghosts in the school know you could see them. It didn't seem like much of a threat, but there were some unsettling ghosts that resided in the school and if they knew you were there and could see them, you'd probably get eaten or killed.

You paid no mind to Sakura or Hyuuga, pulling the ghosts' hands off you with your other arm and running out of the room before they could follow, leaving the lavender envelope behind. You made sure to avoid all three of them for the next two days and now it was the third day.

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