Chapter 2 | Alliances

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Chapter 2 | Alliances

Harri struggled to keep her face blank throughout their explanation. It took all of her might to not display any of her real emotions outwardly.

For the past hour, the Order had started to all but sing praises about Dumbledore, all the while, cursing the Dark Lord without actually giving her any useful information that she asked for.

She just nodded along and strengthened her occlumency barrier, finding more entertainment in watching the potions master's disgusted expression, and surprisingly, Remus and Sirius' very subtle, disgruntled looks.

Dumbledore laughed jovially before finally raising his arm to stop their useless prattlings.

Should have done that sooner. Harri thought, very irritated that she had to sit through an hour of it.

He smiled winningly at her, as though those mindless praises had just won her over to his side. "It is already late," He gazed out the window, "Shall we continue this tomorrow?" His indulgent smile had her bristle.

Clearly, he is no different than Dumbledore 1.0. But perhaps a tad more egotistical.

But Harri wasted no time on agreeing. At this point, she just wanted to get away from all of them. Who cares if she found her dimension-counterpart, if he is even near half of his parents — which she thinks he is, given that he had been living with them all his life — then she'd rather not sate her curiosity about dimensional theorem at all.

A thought suddenly appeared in her mind as she frowned in realization, "Where would I sleep?" She asked the lot.

Molly Weasley laughed, "Well, here obviously." She said it in great confidence, as though it was obvious.

"I don't think so," Lily Potter interjected, crossing her arms, "That girl is basically my daughter. Shouldn't it be obvious that she comes with us?" She looked at James Potter, who stuttered out a 'sure' under his wife's intense gaze.

Ears twitching in irritation, she sighed. "As much as I appreciate your... thoughtfulness, I politely refuse." Harri shook her head, "I have just been ripped out from my own world, literally. What I need right now is peace and quiet to collect my thoughts."

She then turn towards the man dressed head-to-toe in black standing in the corner of the room. "Professor, is it alright if I crash on your couch tonight?" She asked politely, "And perhaps I'll just ask you all about this world in the mean time."

The man looked like he had sucked on one of Dumbledore's weird sour candies at the prospect of taking her in. But a look from Dumbledore made him nod stockily before turning to walk immediately towards the Floo.

Clearly, he also felt the need to escape this torture in a very timely manner. And she was not complaining. She let out a small genuine smile, perhaps for the first time that day, and ignored the flabbergasted looks as she followed the man out of the room.

It was only when they finally reached his home in Spinner's End that he finally addressed her.

Severus opened the door roughly, leaving her in the doorway to sit on a dark green sofa. He narrowed his eyes at her and waited until she made her way towards the seat across from him, idly noting that the door was closed wandlessly.


Harri smiled, amused at how fast the professor had deciphered her intentions to converse to him without any extra pair of eyes.

Crossing her legs, she shifted slightly as to not flatten her tail and let silence fill the room to observe the man in front of her with slight caution. Although she very much want him to be on her side, she must first be sure that her intention does not reach the old man's ears.

Fate's Plaything (Female Harry Potter/Tom Riddle|Voldemort)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang