Chapter 3 | Not Alone

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Chapter 3 | Not Alone

Nothing really exciting happened after the day of her initial arrival. Though there was that one time when Harri received a letter from Dumbledore stating that she was going to attend her fourth year in Hogwarts since, and she quotes, 'there was no need to deprive her of her education'.

Right. Because his priority was obviously about her getting the education she's required to and not at all about him trying to keep her in check in the school that he supervises. Do note the sarcasm.

But other than that, nothing really happened in the peaceful Spinner's End. There was no need to distract her newly-obtained pawn from her job and with their unspoken truce, Severus have been behaving civilly around her and left her to her own devices.

That was, until Severus abruptly interrupted her reading time in the library by dropping the latest copy of today's Daily Prophet onto her lap — ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­quite rudely too, might she add.

Picking it up, Harri glanced at the cover to see what had gotten into him today. There, in big bold letters, read: 'MASTER OF DEATH SUMMONED By Grindelwald's Vanquisher! Is There A Danger That We Are Not Aware Of? Or Is This Something Apart Of A Much Bigger Scheme?!'.

Under it was a moving picture of when she was summoned and the runes that summoned her with all perfect shots of the summoners as well as the spectators, which incidentally had none of Severus, Sirius nor Remus'.

Yes, she still had some lingering affections to their dimension-counterpart and told Skeeter to cut them off of the pictures, sue her.

She hummed in faux interest, "Their dedication to acquire the latest news is very admirable." She offered, her neutral expression revealing nothing to the man.

Severus lifted a brow and crossed his arms at her. "And you had nothing to do with this so-called 'dedication'? Not at all connected to that purple beetle you caught last month?" He asked drily before pointing at another picture near the bottom.

Posted there was a moving picture of her in the guest bedroom, looking out the window with her black tail swaying from side to side. It was as though she had a melancholic feeling around her, which probably was what the photographer aimed for.

Harri blinked in surprise. She wasn't sure how the blonde had taken her picture last month but she was impressed with her stealth.

As well as her audacity.

Harri looked back up and sighed when she saw that Severus was not going to let the matter go, "Alright, alright, I'll talk." She playfully raised her hands up in surrender. In turn, Severus only lifted his brow again, prompting her for an explanation.

She conjured up a ward with a flick of her wrist. You can never be too careful. "Someone sent a letter, heavily coated with compulsion, to Skeeter about my summoning. I caught her and we talked." She finished with shrugged.

The look of disbelief from the man made Harri roll her eyes, "Fine, I threatened her into compliance." She sighed.

"And why, in Salazar's name, are you still on the front page?" Severus tapped a finger on her picture twice.

Harri tilted her head at him, her tail beginning to move as she spoke. "Think about it, is it not suspicious to you? At all?" She questioned. He only gave her a slow blink in response.

"To transfer a spell with the use of an object is not just any random wizard can do. It is quite a tricky method that should take up to weeks to complete the process." Her ear twitched as she leaned back, "And I remember you mentioning that all of the order members had only been given a few days to comprehend the plan. So by the process of elimination, the most obvious culprit would be Dumbledore."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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