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Happy birthday to our character shuaib😍 more wins dr shuaib😍

Ps, : ignore the typos as this book will undergo a major editing and pls don't forget to do the usual😍😍

“Faiza wake up”

“3 more minutes please Umma”

“Get up this instant Faiza before I pour water on you” that is all it takes to wake Fa'iza up

“Umma what is going on? Why should I wake up?”

“Go and freshen up the guest will arrive in an hour”

“What guest Umma? who is coming?”

“Stop asking me questions Fa'iza go freshen up Adnan will take you to Ammi’s house”

Ammi's house now? But we agreed to go in the evening and Maama is coming today together with Aunty Rahma.

I don’t want questions Faiza get up” says umma sternly

“Ohk”pouted Faiza

She got dressed in a long maroon maxi dress and wrapped her hijab tightly as she strolled down the stairs and met basma and her cousins (from paternal side) Zubaida and Humaira. They all look happy and were giggling, talking in hushed tones but she ignored and sat beside them" Basma why are you here this early? Umma just sent me out of the bed saying i should got to your house and here you are. Humaira and Mimi you too? We agreed to meet in the evening or you miss me this much?

"Fa'iza  you are still here? You all should get going,  Shu'aib will bring you back after Magrib" Umma said giving Basma a Leather Bag to give Ammi while Faiza looked at her suspiciously

"Umma tell me what's happening please, you know Maama will not be happy when she comes and I am not here"Fa'iza queried

Umma smiled and held her shoulders "Something great is about to happen and as for Your Maama, she will spend the night here so you will meet her when you're back. But first you have to go with the girls"

Fa'iza nodded and reluctantly walk out the room waving at Umma "something is not right and nobody wants to tell me. Basma also  don't want to say anything except for the once in a while look she gives me which i can't comprehend" Fa'iza thought

"Whatever it is, they can't continue to hide forever" She muttered as the Mal Bala drove them out of the house

They met Ammi in the living room making a call with her sister In-law Adda Zainab so she beckoned them to go upstairs. Shu'aib had told her of his interest in Fa'iza and his decision to marry her. She was extremely happy knowing Fa'iza is a good choice for her son. But Baffa Aminu stood still and said NO! He said Bamusan Asalinta ba(They don't know her Identity). Ammi explained that her parents died in a fire accident and they were Umma's good neighbors until their death. She even told him of Fa'iza's foster parents but the man couldn't relent and he is instigating his other siblings and relatives. He said if Shu'aib really wants to get married, his daughter Humaira can serve the purpose.

I will talk to Ya Aminu but I you also need to meet him too so you can sort this out. I am 100% supportive because I know Shu'aib won't make a bad choice" Adda Zainab spoke from the other end

"Adda I know Fa'iza very well and I am sure she'll make a good wife. You need not to worry"

"And I will call him this instant before even going to his house " Ammi added and ended the call. Ammi got fed up with Baffa Aminu's attitude and act of superiority over her and her children. She knows he has every right on them but what he is doing is uncalled for so for the first time in her entire 33 years of marriage, she called Baffa Aminu to say her mind and he was stunned at her outbursts

“ Ya Aminu i always concur to all your opinion, either good or bad but not anymore.  Enough is enough my child won’t suffer because of your selfish interest and as for his guardians I’ll call meet Baba Inuwa, I am sure he'll support" Ammi cut the call and sigh. She looked at her husband's picture and muttered "if only you were here"

Shu'aib brought Fa'iza and Ammi to Umma's house and the duo were summoned in Umma's living room.

“Toh Alhamdulillah Fa'iza I think you’re the only person who doesn’t know anything about this, but today you and Shu'aib are officially engaged and the wedding will take place after your graduation” Maama dropped the bombshell  Faiza doesn’t know what to feel she had mixed emotions she ducked her head down as tears rolled down her cheeks Umma opened her arms and Fa'iza quickly ran into it.

Meanwhile Shu'aib on the other hand was grinning like a goat Ammi had to smack his head

“Mara kunya kawai yaran zamani” said Ammi while he gave her his cheeky grin

On the other hand Faiza kept sobbing hard umma had to tease  her “koh dai bakya sonshi neh mu aura mishi wani” Faiza shook her head

"Alhamdulillah! We're now engaged Fa'iza. You won't regret choosing me to be your life partner In sha Allah" Shu'aib uttered all buoyed with excitement. She was about to go back home, so she escorted him to the parking lot.


"Don't you believe me?" He asked with a sense of disappointment

"The problem is you men are capable of almost anything. Masters of the unexpected"

"So you don't trust me?"

"Of course, I do. But most men are not to be trusted"

"This is more like an attack to my gender " He joked

"No, I am not attacking the male gender. I was just stating the fact " She declared

"But there are a few great exceptions, and you happen to be one of them, if not the best of them" Fa'iza added affectionately

"And I shall not break your trust. I love you so much that my heart skips a beat when I hear your voice Fa'iza. How on earth then can I hurt you?"

Fa'iza was all red, she couldn't stop blushing " I am sleepy Ya Shu'aib" she faked a yawn to put an end to the conversation.

Adios pips😍

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