In the city lights

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His car won't start. He has been trying for an hour. The city lights are shinning bright. He finally steps out of the car looking extremely angry. He walked towards the car bonnet for the thousandth time in the past hour. Finally he lost his temper cursed at the car and kicked the tyre.

I chuckled hard. Maybe he heard me because he looked at me amusingly. Then he started to  walk towards me. " whats so funny?" He asks smiling. "Its litreally 9 in the evening and you are trying to start the car for the past 1 hour and you lose your temper now! Its funny to me" I say clutching my stomach. He shook his head smiling and then called someone. "Hey yeah I know am late. Yes baby I know, please don't cry. Just listen car broke down. Can you please send me a car? Please." He says. I heard a faint "ok" from the phone. "i love you" he says and cuts the phone. "Jungkook" he says lifting his hand for a handshake. "Jimin" I say. "You have a really pretty name." He says. "So is yours" I say. He chukles. He's got voice like an angel. "Lets sit?" I ask him.

"On the pavement!?" He asks shocked. " yes. I..I am homeless. So its litreally my, my home" I say my voice fading down. " oh no I didn't meant it in wrong way. But I would be glad to sit down" he says showing off a pretty bunny smile. I smile back and we sit down legscrossed. "So jungkook what do you do for a living?" I ask. "I? I make babies." He says smirking. "Babies? So  You are a sperm doner?" I ask. He chocked on the air. He calmed down and then said. "No. I am sorry its my fault. I am not a sperm doner. I am actually a builder. I build buildings long and tall and strong." He says proudly. " and I call them as my babies" he says.

I ohhed at his answer. "And what do you do?" He asks. "Me? I work as a waiter in a restaurant in the day. And stargaze at night." I say. "Stargaze?in this city? With this amount of toxic pollution and smoke you can still see stars?" He asked.
"Yup" I say proudly. " where, just look at the sky, its pitch black." He says pointing towards the night sky. "Well you are pointing in the wrong direction" I say lowering his arm a little bit down towards the streetlight. "Those are streetlights they arent star" he says. "I know, but thats the problem with people like you. They are the ones who chased the stars and their starlight away. And people like you are also the ones who made these artificial stars to navigate you home in the darkness. And you people also don't appreciate it" I say. "Woah chill. I get it." He says.  We seat in silence for about 5 minutes. For some reason the silence was extremely comforting as if a silence from an old lover or an old friend. He seemed nervous to me. I dont know even though he was silent and looked comfortable he seemed nervous. "Are you upset?" I ask. He looked at me, with glimps of uncertainty.

"Can I trust a stranger whom I met like 15 minutes ago? Can I trust you?" He asked with giddiness in his voice. "People with a broken heart and a broken life instantly open up. Let me guess you don't have a broken heart nor do you have a broken life now do you?" I say.

"You are right. But I kind of do have a half broken heart." He says. "You do?" I ask. "Yes."
"Who broke your other half?"
"The father of my lover."he says.
"Ahh a classic case of guardian not accepting the fiancee." I say.  "Who are they?" I ask. "He." He says. "He?" I ask.

"Yes he is just he. He has the best voice in the whole world. A real soft touch, with a big heart, his hair are like silk threads, his smile is even more brighter than the brightest star in the universe." He said smiling. "Sounds like an absolute angel." I said smiling. "Sad thing his father doesn't think that way. He feels like a boy is not suitable for his boy. He must marry a women of high profile and who would bare healthy children." He said sadness lingering in his voice.

He said quite for sometime and then he said "This society sucks you know, it just judges you." He said. "Wrong. A society never judges you. Society is actually pure. Clean,with no sin,no hate,no judgment,no fear,no law,no crime,no emotion.
Its us the people who fill this society with our needs. Our dirt. Our hate,our judgments,our love, our fears, our crimes, our laws, our emotion. Its all us to be blamed. It has nothing to do with the crime going under it. Nothing to do with the love, nothing to do with the hate, nothing to do with the poverty. We just blame this society with everything. When it has nothing to do with it." I said.

He looked at me with his eyes focused on me. He moved ahead and kissed my forehead. I went red  like I was a freshly picked cherry from a cherry farm
. "Do you know you are so beautiful and you speak the words that of an angel. How can you be so true? How are you so real? I must be definitely dreaming. I must be" he said gazing in my eyes. "Dont say like that. You too have an angel of your own. He is the one. Don't break his heart. I am just a stranger on the street gazing upon the floating city lights." I say.

"He for sure is an angel. Without whom my life would be like that of a warrior with no sword in a battle. Without whom I would be like a wild animal with no reason to live upon. He is someone from who I can give my life away." He stopped. And tears threating to fall he said "But what if his dad never agrees? I have everything he wants for his sons life partner. I have got money, I am kind. I am willing to give my life away for him. I will breath and love for him. Then why doesn't he understand? Why?" He asks.

"You know sometimes. People don't want to see who you are. Rather they want to see what you can be. But for sure this is applicable for people who thinks that politics and materialistic happiness is the only factor on which this world can works. And so such people grow stiffe minded materialistic animals. Like a horse who has blinkers beside their eyes. Making them see only the narrow way ahead and never the wide way behind which they live. They have so much to sense so much more to discover yet they choose a narrow path. Because they are afraid what good or bad may be left behind. They are afraid of regrets. They are afraid of failure they are afraid to be left behind. They are afraid of the same society which they themselves make. Trust me jungkook. You can end up with him. I belive you. You just need to show his dad what you can be. What you can do despite of failure. What you can do with the unknown." I said and smiled.

He smiled back and held my hands in his, "you sure did said the truth. The city lights are absolutely beautiful." He said. We sat there like that for anthore 30 minutes before a car pulled up and a man just as bautiful as he was stepped out. " jungkook!" He called out. "Taehyung! My love!" He replied back. "I was so worried for you." He said " me too. But don't worry everything will be ok." Jungkook said. "Lets go then?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes just a sec" and he came to me. "How can I thank you jimin?" He asked with stars in his eyes. For some reason I can feel my eyes losing their shine and getting filled up with sadness. "Just meet me once again in the city lights." I said. He nodded and promised me.

But I knew it was an empty promise. I won't be there tomorrow. I would be gone. Long forgotten in this dreamy lights. Because I was nothing more than a dream that jungkook was dreaming.

In the city lights [A jikook au]( And Many More Bangtan Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now