oh- a child

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3rd person POV:

Another day at the house, as Zyron called it. He awoke around 5:00 AM and had found himself on the floor once again. He looked up to see three small children fast asleep on his bed- well technically they were only 4 years younger than him but you get the point. Zyron slowly got up and went to fix the gender-fluid flag that was hanging from his wall. He wasn't too sure about his gender identity, it felt like an endless labyrinth that had no exit or entrance, they'd been like this for as long as they could remember, aka the last 15 years of his life, for now, he just went by all pronouns, but referred to himself with he/him pronouns. He sighed as he turned towards his dresser with his towel thrown over the edge. He hummed one of his favorite songs on his way to the shower.

"if crazy equals genius..." He sang to himself while he turned the shower knob to the left, and shut off the lights. He didn't feel like seeing his feminine body today, while he felt comfortable with all pronouns he couldn't stand looking so feminine. He gently pulled off his clothes and got into the steamy water. He had a good feeling about today, surprisingly.

|| TIMESKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY BLUE MONKEYS- nope that's enough I'm sorry (if you got it tho ;)||

"True friends stab you in the- HOLY-" He cut himself off before he said something he shouldn't. He came face to face with one of the kids that were sleeping in his bed not too long ago, now with a face full of makeup. The black eyeliner under the girl's eyes makes her baby blue ones pop, along with the red makeup thrown around her eyes. "Alexandra..."

"Do you like it?" Alexandra questioned, looking up at Zyron with big eyes. "Yeah" He replied simply. He grabbed his black hoodie and skinny jeans and slipped them on.

Looking around his room he called out from his room, 'WHO TOOK MY BELTS??" He sighed and exited his room, his earring dangling from his ear and he slightly stomped over to Axel. 

Looking around his room he called out from his room, 'WHO TOOK MY BELTS??" He sighed and exited his room, his earring dangling from his ear as he stomped over to Axel. 

Zyron sighed and put his palm up to his face, feeling the scars that trailed over his eye and the bridge of his nose, "axel..." He tapped axel on the shoulder. Axel turned to face Zyron "... yes??" he replied.

"did you take my belts again??" Zyron asked patiently, even though he could see them draped over the younger boys' hips. "... No why?"

Zyron exhaled roughly," well..maybe the fact that you have them on..." he said through gritted teeth.

The younger boy looked down and somehow, genuinely, looked surprised "OH- I forgot I had these my bad-" axel started to take them off hands and held them out, Zyron snatched the belts from the younger boys hands and grabbed his headphones and phone off of his bed. 

He walked...strutted over to the window near the corner of the larger living room he found himself in. He had his headphones plugged into his ears had had 'My Chemical Romance' blasting so loud the people around him could hear it as well, his treat.

While he was busy sulking and staring blankly out the window a smaller kid had walked up to him. After a good 15 seconds the kid had tapped him on his shoulder, he jumped a bit and turned to the kid. "OH- oh, uhm- i- uh sorry-" Zyron stuttered, still clearly startled. "oh- it's fine! I like your hair!" The girl said, pointing to his hair which was styled into a mullet with a purple front. "Thanks, you new here?" he asked, he hasn't seen her before, she seemed to be around 12, with long brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and seemed familiar but he knows he hasn't seen her here. "Nope," She said popping the 'p' "me and my dad were just looking for someone," she said while looking around. Zyron paused his music, which he hated doing, especially in the middle of the guitar solo in 'mama' "oh, cool what's your name?" he asked, she seemed sweet enough. "Bandit, you?"


That's all folks, I just accidentally deleted the rest of the chapter so have this cliff-hanger thingy


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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