Chapter 21

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I let the music take me places, my hands locked around the man's neck.
"I still don't know your name." I admitted to him, shouting over the loud music and quickly chugging my drink.

"I told you literally half an hour ago." He said, looking confused.

I laughed at him, throwing my head back and slightly tumbling as his broad hands caught me.
This only caused me to laugh harder.

"Come on, let's get you to bed you've had too much." he tells me but I shake my head in refusal.

He sighs while the grip he had on my waist got stronger and he lead me through the crowd up to the stairs.
I stumbled, tripping over a few feet and his arm quickly swept under me to lift me up.

"It's Zayn." He tells me, and I nod bringing my arms around his neck again.

We passed a few people, most were pinned up against the wall getting kissed to death.
He lead me into the room at the very end of the hall, furthest away from everyone else.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask him.

He cocked his head in confusion, then realisation hit him.
"What? You think, God no. I'd never." He quickly justifies himself, making me feel safe.

"I just know you're very drunk, you need to lie down. I'll stay with you if you like." He told me, a calming tone within his voice.

I hum, leaning my head into crook of his neck as the sleepiness took over my full body but I urged to keep eyes open, making them look heavy.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with her." A familiar deep voice came from behind me, pushing Zayn to the wall and making him drop me on the floor.

"Ow." I say, rubbing my head and pouting my lip and Zayn rushed over to check on me but Harry stood in his way, kicking his leg out so he fell back.

"Look at her eyes, you think she's sober enough to go into a room with you?" Harry spat at him, and I looked at him in confusion wondering what made him so aggressive.

Zayn scoffed, laughing a little and looking at him with spite in his eyes.
"You think that badly of her? You think she can't say no to someone?" He asked, making my cheeks go a sudden read and I bowed my head realising what Harry actually thought about me.

Harry quickly rushed over to me, his hands touching my shoulder but I flinched away.
"I wanted to take her to lie down because she's too drunk to handle herself, clearly you don't know that though since you've been up here the last our doing God knows what." Zayn finished off, making Harry look away in guilt.

Why did he look guilty? Was there something I didn't know?

"I didn't-"
"Okay Harry," I slurred, "Tell me what you were doing up here with my ex best friend?" I ask.

I see him stutter for words, his hand coming up to scratch his head as his brain scrambled for the right thing to say.

I scoff, shaking my head in disgust.

"I can't believe I actually thought-" I didn't even bother finishing my sentence, he didn't deserve my wasted breath.

"Zayn, let's go into that room." I tell him, attempting to stand myself up but Harry's hands rushed to me.

"Do not fucking touch me." I snapped, making Harry's face drop.

Zayn holds me steady as we make our way to the room on the furthest right, feeling Harry's glare in the back of my head.

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