Chapter 2

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The next morning...

Kol's POV:
She was so beautiful. I hope to meet her again soon. Ever since yesterday I couldn't get her out of my mind. "Brother!" I hear Rebekah call out to my, ripping me from my thoughts.

I sigh as I get out of bed and goes downstairs. "Yes, Bex?" I say to her. "Help me load the truck." She says and I raise an eyebrow. "For what?" I ask her. "I'm moving out" she says with a slight smile.

My eyes widen. "What? Why am I not hearing about this until now?!" I ask her shockingly. "Well it was rather sudden. Marcel asked me to move in with him and I said yes." She says with a huge smile on her face. I softly smile at her. "I'm happy for you bex, but one wrong move from him, and he's dead." I say to her making her roll her eyes.

"Just come help me." She says and I chuckle picking up a box and bringing it outside.

Meanwhile with Davina....

Davina's POV:
"You can't do that!! That's not fair!!" I yell at my father. He has no right telling me who I will marry! I won't allow it! "You are a princess and you shall be his queen!!" He yells making me scoff. "Over my dead body! I don't even know him!" I shout. "This is not happening!" I add in before running out the doors.

"Davina!!!" I hear my father yell but I keep running. I look over my shoulder while running to see if anyone's chasing after me. I sigh in relief just as I accidentally bump into someone and falls to the ground. "Fuck" I mutter to myself. I stand up and looks at the man. "I am so so sorry" I say before he turns around.

"Kol?" I say to him and he chuckles lightly. "Well if it isn't the princess." He says to me making me smile softly. I notice the box in his hands. Tell me he's not leaving. Please please.

"Are you moving?" I ask him as I look up at him. "No, no. I'm just helping my sister. She's moving in with her boyfriend and I kind of got dragged in to helping her move." He says making me chuckle.

"Kol who is your lovely friend?" A blonde haired female asks as she walks over to Kol. Kol turns to look at her. "And this is my sister" he says turning to me. I smile and looks at her. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Davina" I say to her. "As the princess?" She asks making me chuckle lightly and nods.

"Well, my apologies for my brother. He can be a bit much." She says as I giggle and her brother looks at her with a very narrow stare. "It's okay, he's not all that trouble." I say to her. "Well I'm Rebekah" she says holding out a hand. I hold my opposite hand out and shakes hers.

"It's nice to meet you, Rebekah." I say to her. "Likewise" she says with a smile. "Well I best get going" I say to them as I turn around and start to walk off. "Davina!" I hear a familiar voice call out.

I smile as I realize who it is. I turn to them. "Hayley! Hey!" I say as we hug. "How are you?" She asks and I sigh. "Could be better" I say to her. "What's wrong?" She asks. "My father, he introduced me to this man and he wants us to marry because he's a prince and what not, but I don't want to marry him! I don't even know him!" I express to her.

Why would I want to marry someone I don't know? And besides that, I think I'm starting to like Kol. I mean he's sweet, funny, hot, caring, he's so much. And this Kaleb guy, my father just wants me to marry for his riches and castle. But I want to marry for love, not for riches.

"Davina, I'm so sorry" she says and I shoot a small smile at her. "It's ok, I'll figure a way out of this." I say to her. "Well I was just going to go meet someone, so I will talk later, ok?" She says and I nod. I watch as she walks off.

I don't want to go home but I have no where else to go. Guess I'll have to face my father now.

Kol's POV:
I finish loading the boxes as I look at my sister. "All done, I'm sure you can get there on your own." I say as I leave before she can say something. I want to find Davina, she seemed off earlier, and I want to know she's ok.

As I was walking down a path, I see the beautiful princess sitting against a tree. I smile and walks over to her. "Hey, darling." I say causing her to look up. "Hey" she says softly. I sit down next to her, I can tell she was crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask her concerned. She sighs and looks at me. "My father wants me to marry someone I don't know." She says to me. I raise an eyebrow. "What? Why?" He asks. I explain to him why my crazy father would want me to marry.

"That's insane" he says and I sigh. "And I can't turn him down. I just don't know what to do." I say frowning. "I have an idea" he says as I look at him. "What is it?" I ask. "Run away" he says and my eyes widen. "What?!"

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