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POV: Jungkook

Location: school hallway

Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Once my class ended, it was time for lunch. I rushed to gather my things and scurried to Hae In's math classroom. When I got there, she wasn't in the room.

    "Maybe she's already at the lunch table." I mumbled.

    I then turned around and walked to the cafeteria. After I got my lunch, I sped walked to where Hae In and I sit. She wasn't there either.

   "Where is she?"  I wondered.

    I then sat down and started eating.

    "Hey, Jungkook!" I heard a girl call.

    I turned around just to see some girl and not Hae In.

    "What?" I sighed while turning back to my food.

    The girl proceeded to sit down next to me and began to flirt.

    "I'm not interested in girls like you. So get up and go bother someone else." I ordered coldly.

    The girl pouted and left.

    I was in a bad mood if you couldn't tell. I didn't know what happened to Hae In. She told me not to pick her up this morning, and that's all I've heard from her today. Yes, I know I could message her, yet I have a life to live. I'll check on her afterwards. I know this is very off topic, but I've only been with one girl in these past two months. I'll explain why.

    So, as you can probably tell by now, Hae In and I have been a lot closer lately. We've been hanging out like everyday now. Well, there was this girl, and she didn't like Hae In because I was spending a lot of time with her. The girl would come up to me and link her arm around mine. She was all over me, and it was just to make Hae In jealous so she'd leave me alone.

    I was getting mad that she was doing this to my new friend so I devised a plan. I got with the girl. Yep, you read that right. Three days into the relationship, I told Hae In to make me a paper heart. The day after Hae In made the heart, I broke up with the girl. She doesn't just hate Hae In now, but she hates me now too.

    After these two months with Hae In, I started feeling something. It was about a week ago when I confirmed that I like Hae In, yet it breaks me. For one, I don't think I've ever truly felt romantic feelings for someone. So, I don't know how to show them to the girl I like.

    Second off, it's obvious she likes Taehyung. Therefore, I have no chance. He's always been nice to her, and I haven't. There's no way Hae In could lose her romantic feelings for Taehyung and feel them for me in just two months. I hate this, but what can I do? I can't do anything.

    It's now after school, and I'm on my way to Hae In's house. She didn't show up to school, and it made me worried.

    As soon as I got to where she lives, I banged on the door. I waited a while, and I was losing hope that Hae In was even home. When I was ready to give up, Hae In opened the door.

    "What are you doing he-"

    I cut her off by walking passed her. After Hae In shut and locked the door, I gave her the biggest hug.

    "You worried me so much." I stated.

    "I'm sorry for worrying you, but I'm okay."

    I pulled out of the hug and grabbed her shoulders.

    "If you were okay, then WHY WERE YOU NOT AT SCHOOL?!"

    "You remember when I told you that TXT was dropping an album yesterday?"

    I sighed and released my grip on her shoulders.

    "Don't tell me you didn't go to school so you could stream the music video." I softly demanded.

    "I can't lie to you, Jungkook." Hae In uttered, making me feel stupid for wondering why she wasn't at school.

    "So, let me get this straight." I began, keeping in my frustration. "You didn't come to school because you were streaming your brother's music video. Then you decided to not inform me on your decision. So, while I was worried sick, you were here perfectly okay?"

    Hae In nodded as a response.

    I grumbled and as I clenched my hands into fists.

    "Okay," I spoke while releasing my hands from being fists, "I'm glad you're alright. Now, I'll leave you alone so you can stream whatever."

    I walked passed Hae In, ready to leave, but she stopped me by getting a hold of my wrist.

    "What?" I coldly asked, turning around to face her.


    That one word she spoke gave me butterflies.

    "I have homework." I coldly responded.

    "You can sit at my desk and do your work while I stream the music video." the girl offered, sounding like she's begging.

    "Fine, I'll stay." I agreed, sighing in defeat.

    A wide smile grew on the girl's face.

   "You're lucky I like you or I would have been out the door by now."  that voice in my mind stated.

    I took my shoes and coat off before Hae In and I headed to her room. When we got there, I noticed her laptop on her bed. I smiled to myself as I pictured her fangirling while streaming the music video. I shook that picture away and headed to her desk.

    After I got settled, Hae In called my name.

    "What do you need?" I inquired, glancing back at her.

    "Do you have a laptop I could borrow?"

    I sighed as I knew what she wanted it for.

    "You should be thankful I brought this with me today." I told the girl while getting my laptop out of my bag.

    Once I got the laptop out, Hae In put her hands out. She expected me to hand it to her, but I set it in front of me instead.

    "You told me I could use that!" declared the girl, seeming quite upset.

    "I just have to start it up, put in my password, and check a few things before I let you use it." I explained, my attention on the device in front of me.

    Hae In pouted and sat on her bed. I could feel her staring at me, but I ignored it.

    "Here you go." I uttered, handing the girl the laptop.

    "You can't be snooping on there. You're lucky I trust you or I wouldn't let you use it."

    She didn't reply me and started setting up her station to stream the music video.

    "The things you do for the people you care about."

    That sentence ran through my head before I started on my homework.

End of part thirty-five

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