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POV: Hae In

Location: outside Jungkook's apartment

Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    At 8:00 PM, I arrived at the assigned location and rang the doorbell. It was like two seconds later when Jungkook opened the door. I was shocked at what I spotted once the door was opened. My boyfriend was holding a bouquet of flowers, and he was in a suit. The older smiled a beautiful smile as he held the bouquet out for me to take. I noticed the wonderful shine in his eyes, and it made me happy.

    "Happy one month!" happily greeted Jungkook.

    I didn't know what to say, and Jungkook could tell. So, he moved out of the way to me through.

    "I feel so under dressed and so unprepared." I confessed as I examined the candlelit room.

    I spotted food on the island as Jungkook set the bouquet on the island chair. Once he did that, he walked over to me. He grabbed my arm, turned me to him, put his right finger under my chin, and asked, "Didn't I tell you to look at me when you talk?"

    I felt butterflies not just in my stomach, but I felt them everywhere. Due to that, my cheeks flushed red. Jungkook had a little, sweet smile on his lips.

    "Your blush is still the cutest." stated the boy while taking his finger from under my chin.

    After he walked a little ways from me, he gazed down at his outfit before gazing back at me.

    "You know how you told me that you felt under dressed?"

    I nodded once.

    "First off, put your shoes by the door. Second off, go to my room and find the box on my bed."

    It seemed a little suspicious, but I did as told. Before entering the boy's room, I asked him where to put my bag. He told me to just leave it in his room.

    I entered Jungkook's room and flipped the light on. After I did that, I spotted a white box decorated with a gold ribbon and bow. I rushed over to the bed, set my stuff on it, and grabbed the note that was on the box. I opened it and read what was written on it.

    "I hope you enjoy the gift, and I can't wait to see it on you." I spoke, reading what was on the paper.

    "It can't be what I think it is."

    I slowly opened the box just to cover my mouth in shock. I couldn't comprehend what he gifted me. Jungkook gifted me the white, knee length dress that I wanted. I was going to buy it myself, but I didn't know how I'd come up with the money. I know Jungkook used to pay me, yet you know I'm keeping that money for Stray Kids. I would have already met them, but I spent my money on other things too. Because of that, I haven't been able to meet them. This whole thing wouldn't be a problem if Jungkook still needed me to make him paper hearts. Since he doesn't need them anymore, I don't get paid.

    Anyway, I carefully took the dress out and put the dress on. It fit perfectly. So, I grabbed the scissors out of Jungkook's desk drawer and carefully cut the tag off. Once I put the scissors away and threw away the tag, I walked out of the room. Jungkok instantly looked at me and smiled.

    "You look so beautiful."

    I grinned at the complement.

    "You look so beautiful too."

    Jungkook and I just laughed.

    "Now, let's eat!" exclaimed my boyfriend, making me smile.

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