Chapter 6- 𝘞𝘩𝘺? 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘞𝘩𝘺?

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Regina's POV
Location: Safe house
Date: December 24th
Time: 6am-5pm

Omg ok I don't want to do this, but this is the only idea I have for writing right now bc it's 10:21pm rn lol; (as I'm writing this part).
Ok so, this is a ⚠Trigger Warning⚠

This current chapter contains descriptions such as cutting, panic attacks, knives: mentions and uses of them; and mental breakdowns which some viewers/readers might not be comfortable with
So just like last time, when you see a:


It'll be safe to read again; but when you see a


You should stop reading if you have any triggers to the stuff I mentioned before; (there will probably be two of those).


I was just sitting in my room, not being able to fall asleep. It was 6am, and I've been awake for the past 2 hours, doing nothing, just thinking about Erik, Daniel, and Kaylee. I just don't know what to feel right now; I just wanted somebody to talk to.
I left my room, it was early in the morning, but I saw Chad already up.
"Oh, hey, Regina." Chad says to me in between sips of coffee, "what are you doing up so early?"
"O-oh, uh." I didn't know what to tell him. "Actually, do you know if Daniel's awake?"
"Oh, he probably is, he went to the washroom 10 minutes ago." Chad tells me."
"Ok, thanks! I just need to talk to him about something." I tell him.
"Alrighty then."
I walk to the hallway, then stop and ask Chad: "Hey, Chad, why are you up so early?"
"Hm? Oh, I don't know, I couldn't quite fall asleep last night, and I have to talk to the editors anyways." Chad chuckles.
"Oh, heh, okay." I reply, then walk away to Daniel's room.
When I get to his room, I knock on the door, and he immediately opens it, frightening me. I thought it would be a few seconds then.
"Hello? Oh, hi, Regina."
"Hey, Daniel. Uhm, can I talk to you for a moment, please?"
"Sure, come in." He tells me as I go into his room with him; we both sit on a carpet. "So, what's up?"
"Well, I just can't stop thinking about Erik and that girl, Kaylee." I tell him.
"Same, I feel guilty for some reason." Daniel tells me, "like it's my fault."
"What?" I say, "Daniel, it's not your fault, why would you think that?"
"Well, I got Erik arrested, and you lost your crush, because of me.." He says as his voice trails off.
"What? You didn't do that, Daniel. I.. I don't like Erik anymore now." I say, then pause for a while, until Daniel calls my name, and I snap back.
"Oh, heh, sorry. Anyways, it's not your fault, actually, it's the opposite, you saved me form getting with someone dangerous. So, thank you, Daniel."
"O-oh, well, you're welcome? Haha." Daniel and I laugh and look at each other's eyes.
We sit there for a few moments, before I break the silence between us.
"Hey, did you see Chad up?" I ask Daniel.
"Yeah, he told me what going to talk with the editors. Why, did you see him?"
"I don't know." I tell him and laugh.
We talked for 15 more minutes, then as I got up to leave, I don't know why, but we high fived, and when we did, my sleeve fell down because I was wearing a long sleeved shirt.


"Hey, what's that on your arm, Regina, are you bleeding?" Daniel asked me.
"Huh? O-oh! It-it's nothing, heh, well, bye! I'm going back to bed haha." I say and laugh it off.
"Okayy~. Well, cya!" Daniel says and I walk out of his room back into mine, passing Chad and we both wave at each other.
Daniel couldn't know, but, I've been cutting myself, I lied to him, I'm not over Erik yet! I should be and I am getting closer to being over him, but I just don't know what's holding me back! I'm just going to sleep. I plop back into my bed, wiping off my stained blood with a wipe, then turning off my light and falling back asleep.



I woke up later than usual today, at 10am, I think it's because after I talked to Daniel last night, it took me a while to fall asleep again. I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about him; Daniel. Talking to him was just easy, and it felt right, unlike when I talk, or now used to talk to Erik. I got all nervous around him.
I got up and got dressed, putting on a yellow spy ninja hoodie and some black leggings, I'm so happy that I'm the yellow spy ninja, it's my favourite colour! I put my hair in pigtails and then headed out of my room to get some breakfast.
When I walked out, I saw Chad and Vy sitting there going through out bills, oh right, today is the 24th, this is the day when our bills are due, Chad and Vy go though them and then we just split it. I say good morning to them and just grab a granola bar; I'm too tired to make cereal today, then I start to put on my shoes at the front door.
"Where are you going?" Vy asks me.
"Out, I think I'm going to go for a run." I say.
"Okay, well if you see Daniel, can you tell him to come back, the bills are due by the 30th." She tells me.
"Oh, yeah, sure." I say then grab some money out of my wallet; I grab $70.50, (I'm in charge of the water bill), I hand them the money and leave.

I'm outside just walking, but also looking for Daniel, I don't know where he could be.
As I'm about to sit on a bench, I see someone in the distance, is that Daniel? I speed walk over there to get a closer look, and it is! He's with someone, but who? I was about to go up to him when the person got up and left. I waited a few minutes then walked over to Daniel.
"Oh, hey Daniel!" I say, pretending as if I just ran into him.
"Hi Regina." He says back.
I pause for a moment, then remember what Chad and Vy wanted me to tell him.
"Oh yeah," I say, "Chad and Vy wanted me to tell you to pay your half of the bill for this month."
"It's due already?" He asks, groaning.
"Yep, and lucky for you, you got the electric bill." I giggle.
"Oh, ha-ha." Daniel says smiling, "when's it due by?"
"The 30th."
"Okay, well I think that I'm going to go back to the safe house now, you coming?"
"Sure." I say as we both head back to the house.

We get back to the house and Daniel grabs out a checkbook.
"Hey, guys. Uh, so should I just give you guys a check for the bill or something?"
Daniel asks confused.
"Oh, hey, Daniel!" Vy says to him, "um, yeah sure, I'll cash it in some how for the bill."
"Ok, thanks, Vy!" Daniel says cheerfully. "And Regina, I need to talk to you quickly."
"Sure." I say and follow him to his room.

"What is it, Daniel?" I ask him.
"Um, well, I just want to know, why do you like Erik? Or I guess, did like him..?" He asks me.
"Oh, well, I don't know, he was just really sweet, handsome, funny~" I say then zone out thinking about him."
"Regina he's literally in jail right now." Daniel reminds me.
"Yeah I know, you asked me first, why do you even want to know?" I ask him curiously.
"I-I just wanted to know, what's so special about him anyways?" He says.
"What do you mean? Aren't you two friends?"
"Well, y-yeah, I don't know, it-it's nothing!
"Well, it's cleary something."
"Why did you even care, Regina!?" Daniel argues at me.
"What do you mean what do I care? You asked me about Erik first!" I argue back.
"Well because I care about you!"
"I care about you too Daniel, but that doesn't answer my question!"
"Well does this answer it? Because I like, like you, Regina! Okay?! I've always had a crush on you, but there was no way it would ever happen, so what's the point even? What's the point about any of this?! I-I think you should go, Regina."
I stood there for a few seconds, not knowing what to say, but, there was nothing to say, so I just turned around and let his room, running back to my room and slamming the door.
Does he, actually have a crush on me? I mean, I, I guess I have had a small crush on him for a while as well, but I've always liked Erik, but he's gone.
What do I do now?

Wow, that was a long one lol, 1,545 words, also it's 11:17pm so I'm gonna go to bed now lol

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