shade of pink.

407 28 8

The Aussies have already reached their dorm and placed the foods on the fridge and some sweets in the pantry.

Rock chiccc!!

                               Give me your address

108 ***** at *****
I'll bring Jungwon and Sunoo with me too.

seen 09:15 pm.

Jake gave the address to Jay, the boy putted down his phone and slept.


At the hotel, Jay and Heeseung came to the room with sinister smiles plastered in their faces “ don't even wanna talk about it ” Sunghoon said fixing his clothes for the contest tomorrow

Jay belly flopped himself in the bed “ Jake's cute ” he said teasing Sunghoon
the younger hit him with a pillow “ Back off! or else I'll steal away Jungwon ” Sunghoon said still hitting him with the pillow, Jay immediately hit Sunghoon with a pillow but harder

“ alright alright you two, we got a big day ahead of us tomorrow now sleep! ” the responsible eldest said, the two exchanged glares before laying down in their own beds.


while shouting at Jay who is still fixing his clothes “ hyeong! he literally just left 40 minutes ago- ” Jay got pulled out by Heeseung and drove to Jake's dorm

they finally reached in front of the dorm they knocked it took a couple knocks before someone opened the door, they saw three boys coming out of the door “ let's go now! ” Heeseung said.


The ice rink was filled with many audiences kids,teens and adults we're sitting and the competitors inside the rink with pretty costumes.

The boys sat on the bench “ Next competitor is Park Sunghoon! Let's give around of applause! ” the mc said
Jake's eyes sparkled as he saw Sunghoon standing on the cold ice floor doing spins, and skating beautifully

After all of the competitors finished performing, “ AND FIRST PLACE IS PARK SUNGHOON! " the mc said giving the gold medal to Sunghoon
all of his friends were shouting like dolphins including Jake and his friends!

Jake was looking down a little shy Heeseung smirked and placed his arms around Sunghoon and Jake's shoulder “ JAKE?? OMG THE LOML ” Sunghoon said lifting Jake in the air while hugging him “ l-loml? eye- a-anyways c-congrats ” Jake cursed himself in his thoughts

Sunghoon showed a light shade of pink in his cheeks and let go of Jake “ I don't think this is the lovey dovey we used to know, they look so awkward rn ” Ni-Ki said side hugging Sunoo “ I know right? ” Sunoo said ( Ni-Ki came right before Sunghoon came to the ice rink )

While in the parking lot “ hyeong how do all 7 of us fit in the car? ” Sunghoon said to the eldest “ I call shotgun! ” the youngest said running to the sit in the front next to the driver

The other 5 was going inside and out of the car to find a strategy on how to fit inside the car, after a couple of minutes getting wasted “ are you guys dumb? Jay hyung you carry Jungwon hyung and you Sunghoon hyung carry Jake hyung ” Ni-Ki said getting slightly irritated

The tall boys finally settled in their sits, the whole ride was really chaotic
Sunghoon noticed Jake was struggling with his position his head bumping the roof, he slowly pushed Jake's head in his shoulders and placed his arms around the older's waist “ t-thanks ” Jake mumbled quietly

The younger giggled at him, they both closed their eyes and fell asleep.


“ hey guys we finally arrived- oh those two are so adorable! Sunoo take a picture of them! ” Heeseung said eyeing on the two love birds who was sleeping peacefully, The bright boy pulled out his phone and took pictures of them, he showed it two the other five guys who was giggling outside the car.

‘ BUZZ BUZZ ’ Jake woke up by the annoying sound in his pocket he picked it up still half-sleepy “ you might want to get out of the car rn, we already arrived ” Jake looked outside the window and saw his friends giggling and showing some sinister smiles outside “ ah shit. ” he said.

He woke Sunghoon up and got out of the car “ you could've just shake my body to wake me up you dumbos ” Jake said rolling his eyes while his friends chuckled and showed him a picture of him and Sunghoon sleeping

He widened his eyes and felt his cheeks turning into a light shade of pink, the younger one soon got out of the car and took the phone out of Jay's grip he saw himself and his so-called ‘ long distance FRIEND ’ sleeping

He gave it back and whispered “ send me those photos NOW ” he commanded before entering the restaurant.

A/N: longest chapter so far. keep safe co-engenes~

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