Intro! (2/22/21)

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*Disclaimer: There may be spoilers if you haven't watched all of the videos in Fractures and the Christmas special. Just a warning!*

All credit of fan ideas/concepts discussed in this book goes to Rainimator, the creator of all the characters and the plot of the series Fractures. 

    Hi! I'm Stormaqua33, and I'm going to let you guys know about a few things before I get started. 

     First off, like I said in the description, I will be updating sporadically. When I say that, I mean that my updates won't be consistent, since inspiration or theories will spark up randomly whenever, and I may lose interest for a while before continuing. I could update the next hour or day, or six months later. I will let you all know if all my interest has deserted me and I won't ever continue this whatsoever. 

     Secondly, if I get a new theory or new information to form a new theory that contradicts any of my previous theories, I won't be changing my previous theory, and will instead just post my new theory in a new chapter. In fact, unless it is the same day, every time I get a new theory/theories, I will just post a new chapter. Because of this, chapter lengths will likely be inconsistent, since one chapter could have lots of theories, or just one theory, and the lengths of each theory could greatly vary. 

     I don't mind anyone using any of my theories for story ideas. After all, many fanfics are built off of the ideas seen in others. I will title chapters with a name relating to the theories being discussed and the date. Please remind me if I forget to add the date or theory name. 

     Feel free to let me know your thoughts about my theories in the comments, or any theories you have, as long as you are respective and constructive about it. If I see a theory I like, or a theory/thought that sparks your theory, I may ask for your permission to use it, and then credit you. 

     Oh, before I forget, I keep saying theories, but what I really mean isn't just theories, but also thoughts and opinions and such. Plus, sometimes I re-edit things like 10 times or something after I publish it, so just a heads-up! Anyways, enjoy! ❤️

My Fractures Beliefs: Theories on Rainimator's series FracturesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz