Chapter 1- Before Lunch

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This story is written in POV'S (Point Of Views)

Shawn's POV (Introduction)

When it comes to me and my older brother Seth, believe me when I say that we are two completely different people! *sighs* let me put it simple for you. My older brother, Seth, lives the life of the party. He loves to party and does whenever he gets the chance to. And on top of that, he is a total douch- I mean...playboy!! Yeah, that's what I meant. He always seems to have some new girl over every-week! And I don't need to tell you how embarrassing and disgusting it is whenever they spend the night! UGH! But aside from that, he likes sports and always knows how to annoy me.

And as for me...*sigh* well...I'm a completely different breed. For starters, I don't live the life of the party...instead I live the life of a quiet yet sassy teenager. I always stay cooped up in my room, my nose stuck in a book and I'm always in the need of silence. I don't like to party, I don't like to drink and I certainly don't like to have random affairs with new random girls I find at parties! Nu-uh, no sir, not me! Never in my life would I ever have an affair with someone I don't know!

*Sighs* But aside from that...I still love my brother and I know he loves me. I just wish I had someone else I could love on my own. And I's my story...

3 years ago...

Shawn's POV

There I sit, in my somewhat comfy desk in the middle of the classroom. I look over my notes while checking on the clock from the corner of my eye from time to time, waiting till the bell rings in order for us to be set free from this hellhole of a classroom. But on the other hand, I had already finished my work for today's class, but still have to wait for my classmates to finish up. *Yawns quietly* I hate chemistry, so much. I say as I lean back in my chair while thinking about what I'll eat for lunch. "You and me both dude," my desk buddy (And best friend,) Ashton replies to my comment. "Mrs. Yoona talks too much." he giggles at his comment. "Tell me about it, I haven't heard her speak this much since she talked about her divorce!" I snicker.

Me and Ashton start to laugh at my comment until Mrs. Yoona stop writing on the chalk board and turns around to face us. She speaks, "Boys! Quiet down please! Can't you see I'm in the middl of a very important lesson!?" She complains. And in my mind I say to myself, "Every teacher says that but they never really mean it...nor is it true." Then I admit, "Yes ma'm, we understand, I'm sorry." I sit up straight in my chair and cup my face with my right hand. "Thank you boys." She says before turning back around.

2 hours pass and the bell has finally rang, which means it's time to go to everyone's favorite time of the day...lunch! And for me that meant that I can finally go do what I love doing the most. Which is read. Yes I'll admit, during my lunchtime I prefer to read than speak to others. I mean sure technically I speak with Ashton but I don't usually pay attention to what he says and just nod in response instead.

Ashton's POV

"Sometimes when life hits you hard ,it hits you hard, but it should never bring you down." at least that's what my Dad used to say, when he was younger. He always believed that the good things in life can easily overcome the bad things in life, so when I first heard that I started using it too! And now as up this day I still spread my knowledge of Life towards other people who need it. It's just such a shame I can't do it to my best friend though...Shawn. He never really seems to smile or interact with anyone. It's like he's against the whole world! Or something?

Well except for me and his older brother Seth, who's just a grade older than us but who cares? Well technically I care but it's just sad to see him so down in the dumps like this everyday! And I'm getting kinda tired of it. Instead I want him to smile and be happy and socialize with everyone else in school. But it's so hard to whenever his nose is always stuck in a book! And not paying attention to me!

So that's why today is going to be different! For today I made sure to empty out all of his books before 1st period! So that way, when he goes to his locker to his and grab a book...he won't find anything but a Book-Free Locker! And then there's no way he won't avoid me again! And to that I say, ha, Ha, HA! But then again he might potentially murder me, but who cares? I just want him to socialize, even if it's just for today. One word out of his mouth will be good enough for me! Now, it's just time to wait and see my plan fall into action.~

Shawn's POV

Ashton and I start speeding up almost running at a weird pace, just to get to our lockers. The hall-monitors almost yelled at us for running in the halls but we slowed down before they could speak. But finally passing the corner to where all of the junior lockers are. But the problem is, most of the other junior classes are surrounding the halls, meaning we were in for some traffic. So immediately I signal Ashton to go faster but just inches away from our lockers...*Rumbling noises*Uh-oh here comes the cattle.

Ashton and I start getting caught in the traffic, and slowly, we're making our through the crowd trying to extend out our arms but the force of 15 other students around us starts to increase and it makes it harder for us walk forward. But eventually a clear path is before us and we lean forward almost tripping, but I grab my locker handle before I fall face flat. Ashton behind me, doing the same thing, gripping his locker handle before he turns into a pancake. *breathing heavily* F-finally." I manage to breath out. "I-I didn't...think...we weren't...gonna...make it!" I complain before I take a deep breath in order to speak again. "I-I'm just glad...that...we...we made it." Ashton manages to let out.

"Yeah." I manage to breath out. I make the combination of my locker and slide up the handle to open my locker, only to reveal that, my books...are...gone! I could not believe that my books were missing! I had swore that I brought with me this morning and put them into my locker before 1st period! But how are they gone now!? I slammed my locker shut, making a loud *CLASH* noise, then I made the combination again and when I opened the locker for a second time, my books were still gone! I was literally freaking out!

I looked over at Ashton who was snickering, so then I knew that he stole my books. I was ready to strangle him! Because NO ONE...takes my books!

That was a pretty long first chapter (Well for me at least), and to be honest I was struggling to find a perfect background picture and a perfect title so I'm just gonna leave it at that. Hope you enjoy the first chapter of My Brother's Best Friend! Take care guys, bye~!

Word count- 1286 words

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