Chapter 2- During Lunch

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Ok I'm back and I just wanted to say that at first I didn't think that people would actually read my book, until someone commented that they liked the story so far and that made me want to cry. But it also really motivated me to continue writing, so thank you to that person! And now I bring you Chapter 2! Enjoy~ Bye Bye~

Shawn's POV

I take a glance back at Ashton who's laughing his flat (yet somehow plump) butt off! "Ashton you son of -!" I yell out of anger, ready to grab him by the collar. "Hey! HEY! Woah bro chill out!" Ashton cuts me off. "Do you know how much those books mean to me-" I spit. "Yes yes I know, but when you think about it, their just books." Ashton sighs. My mind really just did a 180. "J-just books, those book are what keep me from having a social life! I can't communicate with anyone!" I yell in anger. Then Ashton replies "I know, which is why today you're not going to be reading. Instead you're gonna try to talk to people and if you can't, then just talk to me!" He says with glee. 

I turn around and start to pout, arms crossed over my chest as I stay there waiting for him to give me my books back. "Aww come on Shawn, you know I hate it when you make that dumb face," He complains "I'm not going to give you back your books, so don't worry." I quickly turn around (Almost snapping my own neck), "But why not?!" I whine. Ashton sighs and proceeds to spew off at me. "Because if I give you your books you just gonna keep reading and you'll never be able to make new friends!" And that's when it hit me. "Friends?" I ask him. Then he replies, "Yes exactly, friends!"

The word "Friends" was never really a part of my dictionary. Well technically, the only friends I had were my Older Brother and Ashton. Others who weren't them were just outsiders to me. Especially if I hated them. When growing up most people didn't want to become my friend, and no matter how hard I tried, it just seemed like the whole world was against me! And so when Ashton had approached me for the first time, I had only considered him my first and only friend.

Ashton's POV

"Look, I know how much you hate social interactions, but can you please, just for once talk to someone? Or at least me?!" I suggest to Shawn. "Look I'm just trying to do this for your sake, not for mine, because I really think that you can do it!" Then Shawn starts to look down at the ground where no sound exits his mouth. "*Sighs* Look I've known you almost my whole life and I've never really seen you smile-" Shawn cuts me off "B-But I have smiled before!" Then I look at him with one of those "Are you sure about that faces." "Shawn, no you haven't at least not a genuine happy smile," Then he pouts and looks back down. "Shawn, as your best friend I really want you to be happy and just seeing you smile, would make me happy enough, so please just try to be social. Not just for my sake, but for your own sake."

Then Shawn looks back up at me and says "*Sighs* F-Fine! I'll try." Then I start to jump up and down yelling "Yes!" But then Shawn cuts me off (Man what is it today with people cutting off others XD?!) "But on one condition, when this is over, I get my books back and I'll never have to do this again! Got it!? Then I stop and try to procces he said to me. "Yes, Yes of course, I just want you smile.~"

"Good, now come on let's go before we lose our spots in the cafeteria!" Then we both run off to the cafeteria, slightly slow so that the hall monitors don't catch us. Eventually we arrived to the cafeteria and set our stuff on our table and made our way to the lunch line. Today's lunch was pretty simple yet tasty. Asian food. A bento box that consisted of white steamed rice, teriyaki chicken drizzled with teriyaki sauce and a side soy beans mixed with minced ginger. Yep, that's the good stuff.

My Brother's Best Friend~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz