*ੈ✩ - Diana, Diana, Diana...

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Diana Ross

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Diana Ross... that's all your boyfriend talks about. Michael somehow manages to find a way to include her in every conversation he has with you. You've spent hours trying to excuse and understand his behavior. He did grow up around her, he did have an extremely close relationship with her, and he did look up to her. But none of it made you feel any better about the situation.

You unfortunately found yourself feeling insecure—comparing yourself to her and feeling like you would never amount to anything relating to her. She's gorgeous, talented, kind-hearted; the list goes on and on, so it would make sense why Michael and many others were enamored with her. All of this critical yet negative thinking wasn't good for your body or mind, but it was an 'odd case' and you needed to solve it.

You remembered the time Michael entered a deep depression when he found out through some tabloid that Diana had gotten married. Despite how upset he was, he still managed to get out of bed and visit her on the weekends and weekdays. During that time, you were there for him—not Diana, not his family, not even his 'friends'. You were foolish enough to try to help him overcome this adoration he couldn't seem to shake off.

Another thing he did was that whenever he had free time—which was rarely—he would spend it with her, leaving you to wonder: Did he still love you? That thought made your stomach churn and your eyes go blurry as tears threatened to pour from them. The sound of keys jangling at the door and the lock turning made you quickly wipe away those droplets of sorrow and put on your best smile, appearing as if everything outside of you and within you was content.

Michael kicked off his shoes and hung his jacket, then hurriedly made his way to you. "Hi darlin'," he said before planting a short, wet kiss on your cheek. You responded with an overly elated 'Hey,' attempting to keep your false happiness apparent. Oblivious to your true feelings, he opened the refrigerator door and searched inside for something to eat.

"I'm going out later with Diana. I'll try to be home before dinner. Thought I'd let you know." You scoffed; not a millisecond goes by in Michael's day when the name 'Diana' isn't in his mouth. She had infiltrated his mind and your relationship with him. Hearing about her over and over again was exhausting, and something inside you knew that today would be the day you confronted him about his obsession.

"Michael... are you being fucking serious right now?"

He was taken aback by your tone, his brows furrowing with confusion as he set his snack on the counter. "What the hell's your problem? I just got home," he exclaimed. Of course, he was confused; your outrage seemed so sudden. Without giving him any signs of your disapproval and worries throughout the week, he stood there wondering what went wrong and when it happened.

"When was the last time we did something together? Or when we slept in the same bed?" Your voice cracked with each word that left your mind and came out of your mouth. He stayed still in his spot, not a single peep escaping him. You wanted to punch that stupidly handsome face, but you didn't, which took damn near everything inside you to resist the urge.

𝙈.𝙅. 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 (EDITING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now