Look After You(J.D.)*

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Taken or available: available
Season: 1-?
Love interest: Joey Del Marco
Faceclaim: Rudy Pankow
Name: Elliot Foster*

In which a boy defends a certain girl for being treated unfairly

Plot Summary:  Elliot was kind of well-known around school, considering that he was a jock, but one person that he always took notice of was Joey. He hardly had any interactions with her in the past, however, it wasn't until when he defended her from getting in trouble for a dress code that he started to spark up a friendship with her.


-Elliot plays soccer*
-He has a few other friends
-He is kind of mutual friends with Luke*. If you decide to make Elliot mutual friends with him, he should cut ties with him when he finds out about the sexual assault.
-During the lockdown, he defends Joey when the teacher got on her for wearing a gym uniform that was deemed too revealing.
-after that, him and Joey form a bond
-after her sexual assault, he defended her whenever people like Grace talked shit about her. It results in a fight with one of them.

-He eventually catches up with her, once again, outside of school and comforts her.
-I guess you can decide whether or not they end up together at the end, but I think that by the end, they decide to take the relationship slow.

(I'll add more notes soon)

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