Fall of '97(Little Fires Everywhere)*

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Title: Fall of '97*

Taken or available: available

Universe: Little Fires Everywhere

Love Interest: Moody Richardson

Faceclaim: Lyric Ross*

Name: Brandi Nelson*

Plot Summary: In which a girl ends up catching feelings for her childhood friend while meeting another girl who's almost like her.


-Her and Moody are long-time friends and is fond of the Richardson family.

-She has had a crush on him since middle school, but has kept it a secret from him.

-Elena told Brandi that her and Pearl would get along. Even though they eventually did, the comment kind of rubbed her the wrong way.

-She likes poetry. You don't have to write actual poems for this, you can just have her express her passion for poetry.

-After the dance, Brandi hung out with Moody after Pearl went off with Trip.

-make sure that their romance isn't rushed.

-if you want to change the faceclaim, ask first, but make sure that she's black( and preferably, dark skinned).

(I'll include more notes soon)

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