blaza x joocie !

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request by @notShrek21 ! sorry if it took a while, i was stuck on ideas </3

It was a well known fact that Joocie didn't like the dark, nobody knew why. But at every sleepover, he would force the others to turn at least one light on before they all went to bed, and any attempts to mess with him early in their friendship didn't end well. So from then, they just decided to go with it and respect his wishes. Joocie had never told anyone why he insisted on having lights on, or why he didn't like the dark. Well, he did tell one person, and that was Blaza. He wasn't quite sure why he trusted Blaza with knowing about his fear, but he did.

. . .

"Juice!" Joocie stopped walking and turned around to see who was calling him, noticing Blaza running over and gently skidding to a stop next to him smiling. "Blaza! Hey!" Juice smiled at Blaza, continuing to walk a bit, with the other following.

"What's up? I thought you were heading home," Juice asked.

The group had previously been hanging out at a park, and since it was starting to get late everyone decided to go on their ways. While some people decided to drive back, others decided to force Laff to drive them home, or just walked back. Juice was.. in a hurry to get back home. Not because he didn't like hanging out with his friends or anything, just because it was starting to get dark out, and the street lights don't come on for another hour or so. He began to speed up a bit, not enough to leave Blaza behind, but just enough.

"Ah- Laffs car couldn't hold anyone else in it. Tbh, Muffin, Nadwe, Tbvg, and Meme got in first. Laff drove me here, so I have to walk back." Blaza explained, silently noticing the change in walking pace.

"Ohh, alright!" Juice responded, glancing up at the sky for a second, then looked around, slightly panicked. He sped up more, it was starting to get darker. Blaza stared at him in confusion for a second, then dashed up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Juice, are you okay?" He asked, concern heavy in his voice. Joocie panicked, trying to tug his arm away from Blaza, ultimately failing. He glanced around. It was so dark. The only light being the few small stores on the streets and any cars passing by. (yea the moons there but its not bright shshh)

Juice started tearing up, grabbing Blazas arm and holding onto him like he was about to die. "I-" Blaza cut him off by hugging him, he didn't need to say anything. They stayed like that for a few minutes, Juice slowly calming down. Blaza cautiously grabbed his hand and walked into a store, not feeling safe out in the street. The store had a small cafe in it, in which the two sat down at a table and ordered drinks, Blaza ordering a water, while Juice ordered coffee. It was a strange store, it was small, sort of like a gas station. There was a small cafe off to the side, presumably having been a separate area that they connected to the store.

A comfortable silence sat between the two, the only thing breaking it being Juice sniffling every so often from crying earlier. He inhaled, then broke the silence. "Blaza, I,, I'm so sorry."

Blaza seemed taken aback for a moment, nearly choking on his water. "For what? There's nothing to be sorry for?" Blaza spoke, not leaving Juice a second to respond, "Juice, I don't know what happened, but you can talk to me if you ever need to, okay?" He smiled, placing his cup of water down on the table.

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