Love Is A Myth

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It's the first day back at Alfea, students keep rushing through the entrence

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It's the first day back at Alfea, students keep rushing through the entrence. Some for the first time, some returning for another year at the college for fairies and specialists. Reina, a new first year, is walking across the grounds confidently. She's looking around herself, not trying to find familiar faces, she knew that wouldn't happen, but to find places where she later could be left alone by everyone and everything. Suddenly a girl with firey red hair stops her. "Hey, sorry, I am Bloom. Are you Stella?"

"Do I look like I could be the princess of  solaria to you?", Reina snaps at her leaving Bloom a little startled. "Sorry, I can be hot-headed sometimes. I'm Reina. I haven't seen Stella but you should look out for a rather tall blondie.", she adds trying to help Bloom. "Oh alright, thank you. And it was nice to meet you!", Bloom responds half walking away. Reina gets back to where she was, exploring the school grounds and trying to find a way out of this damn crowd of anxious teenagers.

Sky, Prince of Eraklyon, who just left a conversation with another friend spots his best friend clearly spying on a girl. He looks into the direction Rivens eyes are pointed to only to see a good looking brunette with a high ponytail and full black outfit walking across the school grounds, obviously not out to find a new affair. Initially wanting to head to his friend after finding out who he is planning on fucking in the next couple of days, Sky gets distracted by the same red-head who spoke to Reina just minutes earlier. He approaches her.

"Wow, I don't think it is possible to look any more lost", Sky starts the conversation. "So obvious?" "Pretty much, yeah" "Well, thanks for that I guess. Also, thanks but I don't need help", the fairy states to him. They stop walking. Sky chuckles, "I don't remember offering it. So convinced you can help yourself out, you must be a fairy" "I am a fairy", she answers emphasising the 'am'. He looks at her a bit confused. "Sorry, just didn't think I'd ever say anything remotely like that"

Reina leaves Rivens sight so he looks around trying to find new entertainment. He chuckles when he sees his best friend chatting up a new girl. He walks up to their conversation adding a, "Hey, quit perving on the first years". "Can you not-",Sky says turning around. "What, are you gonna chase her?", Riven asks looking after the already leaving fire fairy. "You don't have to start, I saw you drool over that brunette earlier." "Sure, let's act like that's something unusual for me", Riven says making both of them laugh before finding each other in a bro hug.

Riven and Sky are in their shared room making themselves comfortable as the new school year is beginning. Their window is open for the fresh air to breeze in. Suddenly someone's grunting is audible. "Do you hear that?", Riven who was just a second ago playing with a small ball asks his roomate. "Yeah, someone's training already, as if overachievers are something new", the blonde specialists answers while unpacking his clothes. "Yes, but be specific." Sky looks at him confused. Riven sits up,"Mate, it's a girl training!", Riven states as if it was the most important fact ever. Sky shakes his head and gets back to unpacking. Riven on the other hand gets up and takes a look hoping to see something. "She pretty far out. I'm sure it's a brunette, though. I'll go check out the... situation." "Which translated into normal people language means you're hoping it's the girl you stalked earlier and want to check her out." "Whatever expression you prefer, bud", Riven responds befire leaving and closing the door behind him.

Reina is out on the specialist training grounds dressed in her specialist training gear. She is punching the punching bag with perfect technique. She starts punching and kicking around with all her strengh as Riven silently approaches her from behind. Suddenly she holds her hands towards the punching bag and screams as the bag gets blown through the bush beginning the forest. She pulls her hands back to her body, her face cringing slightly. "What in the world", Riven says surprised. She jumps at his words as he scared her. "Don't. Do that", she states looking back at him before trying to head for the punching bag. "Hold on, who are you?" Reina stops turning around for a second to answer, "Reina, first year." The girl tries to continue her mission. "Cool name, I'm Riven, I-", the boy continues making the girl stop and roll her eyes before turning around to cut him off, "It's great to meet you but I have a punching bag to retrieve. Can we do this another time? Great, thanks",  she says basically answering for him but he still won't take the hint. She keeps on walking and he speeds up to her,"I'll just help you then." She rolls her eyes not reacting any more.

"What are you doing out here?"

"What does it look like?"

"Why would anyone train on their first day?"

"You can never be skilled enough"

She pushes the branches of the small trees to the side, they enter the forest and see the punching back Reina yeeted over here minutes earlier. They make the short way to the bag laid on the ground. "So, are you a specialist?", the boy wonders. "Why? Because I'm a girl?", Reina says lifting up the punching bag into a standing position. "No, because you are wearing our gear but still blew that bag meters away with your bare hands. Don't worry, we've got some girls here but I have to say none of the look nearly as good in these clothes as you.", Riven states looking the girl in the skin-tight specialist training gear up and down. "Yeah, sure", she rolls her eyes at him checking her out without trying to hide it, "I'm both. Fairy and Specialist. My mom's a powerful fairy and on my dad's side the last three of the family's generations have been specialist. I'm the first girl in the line but he was not about to let it end with me."

"Hot. And what are your powers? Something badass or are you letting cute plants grow?"

"Never underestimate earth fairies", she says pointing a demanding finger at him.

"Yeah, yeah"

"You've been warned. No, I'm not though. I'm and ice fairy. I can do pretty much anything that has to do with the cold."

"Like snow storms?"

"For example, yeah"


The girl stands up from leaning on the punching bag, "Should probably get on with bringing this back". "Wait, I'll give you a hand", Riven tries to help. "I got it", Reina reassures him before making hand movements as if she is making a pile of something causing an icy wind to pick up the punching bag and letting it float in front of them as they walk back. She swifts her hands apart to make the wind go away and the punching bag falls into place. "So, hav-", Riven tries to find out more about her. "Nah-ah, we talked enough about me, time for you to spill something about yourself", the fairy protests picking up her training bag. The two start walking back to the school. "There isn't really anything to talk about. I'm just your typical school dick, as most people would probably describe. Enjoy a bit of alcohol and drugs here and there if that's of any use to you."

"Oh yeah, is that really all?"


"Nice. I don't belive you."

"You don't even know me."

"Yes, but every character has... some depth, interests, a story to tell. We just have to figure ourselves out. Figure out who we are. Or as they like to say 'fInd ThAt SoMeOne WhO hElpS YoU fiGuRe It OuT", the girl says, speaking her last words in a mocking way.

"Not that into that love cliché, are you?", Riven says with a light chuckle.

"Oh please, love is a myth. They sweet talk it but just imagine if it it was actually realistic. How could it possibly be a good thing that a single person has so much power over you? That's pathetic and also lowkey terrifying, I mean, the thought of being willing to get yourself killed for someone. Anyone who actually talks of it as great and undescribable actually just sounds like a crazy person."

"I totally agree. That's why I always fuck and leave."

"Pleasure without commitement, I like that."

Riven chuckles,"this conversation got deep pretty quick."

"Who cares. Anyways, I have to go shower, don't wanna miss the first party of my great alfea career", she says sarcastically as they get closer to the building,"See you there?" "You can bet on it", the boy answers before they wave each other goodbye.

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