3 1/2 years later...

28 4 10

'Cause baby you're a fiiiiirework...

I tie my hair back in a low ponytail while listening to some music. It's the Fourth of July, and I thought it'd be cute to visit some old friends. Since I moved when I was 15 (due to some political issues) I haven't seen anyone who lives in New York.

I've talked to Frances Laurens a little bit, but other than that, no one really talks to me. Not even Philip knows about this surprise visit.

I pull out a variety of red, white, and blue clothes. I finally decide on a red tank top, blue shorts, and white flip-flops. The music from my phone adds to my mood. Love Story by Taylor Swift comes on, and I smile.

The music (though I hate to admit it) kind of goes with  how I feel about Philip. I've had a huuuuge crush on him, and he might even be my soulmate! My most recent fact was that my soulmate was an old friend, and then there were some that described his features. YOUR SOULMATE HAS CURLY HAIR. YOUR SOULMATE LOVES THE COLOR BLUE. YOUR SOULMATE HAS DARK HAIR.

My phone buzzes, and it's a text from Philip.

philip: yo we're gonna miss you this 4th :((( wanna ft with frances and george?

theo: nah i'm ok we can ft later

philip: aweeee ok 😭miss u theo!

theo: hey i'm sure we'll see each other soon!!!

philip: hmmmkay also, Mom wanted me to tell you that you're welcome over anytime!

theo: lol ok i love your mom 😊🥰tell her I said sure, we can have dinner sometime

philip: done! gtg, ttyl theo!

theo: byeeee philip!

I snicker to myself with the secret. Since I just turned 17, I can hardly wait to see my soulmate, but honestly it's super fun just flirting with Philip.
Mom calls me downstairs, and I quickly apply lip gloss and then run downstairs. Since we usually spend the Fourth of July in Central Park, Mom was quick to agree to my plan. She's holding her legendary gallon sized Ziploc bag of Muddie Buddies, and some of her homemade ice cream in our cooler.

She's also letting me drive, since it's her 'last celebration with her sweet Thee-Thee' (I've always hated that nickname.)

two hours later

I pull up to our parking spot near Central Park. Mom is so excited to be back in the city that she spilled her coffee all over her sweater! I'm kind of sad that Dad couldn't make it because of work, but it's whatever. 
Mom asks me if I want to go to our old favorite bagel place. I mean, I can't turn down a fresh bagel with homemade strawberry cream cheese...


"MMMM!" I groan, taking my first bite of the bagel. I've forgotten how good Bobby's Bagels are. Mom is also digging into her French-Toast bagel (yes, they're a real thing.) Just as I hear the bell for the door clang as someone walks in, I choke on my bagel.

"Aaaaagh, is she okay?" I hear a voice say. It sounds oddly familiar. I open my eyes, and for a second this person looks like a complete stranger. Then everything comes together; the freckles, the curls, the greenish eyes, the concerned face. I gasp, and jump up. "PHILIPOHMYGODDDIT'SBEENSOLONG!" I squeal, squeezing him tightly.

He lets out a relieved sigh. "Theo, you're lucky I had just walked in."

I grin. "Thanks for saving me from a death by bagel. And before I found my soulmate, too!"

He coughs and turns red. "About that, I still need to tell you who it is. You're not going to believe it, but it's-"

Suddenly, the bathroom door swings open and Mom rushes out with a wet paper towel. She screams, and hugs me tightly. "Honey, you almost passed out! I thought you were about to die, before Philip came to your rescue!" 
She lets go of me, and goes to hug Philip, too. "Thank you, sweetheart. You've always been so kind to my dear Theodosia."

Philip smiles. "No problem, Mrs. B." Then he turns to me and says, "I'll tell you who I got later."

Mom tells him that she can drive him to Central Park with us, but he says no. "I'm driving over there now, but I can't just leave my car. Besides, if I come with you, how are you supposed to surprise Frances and George?" 
"Fair point, in the words of a wise man," I say, remembering that one night when I was fourteen.

He nods, and then drives away to Central Park, leaving me and Mom.

As soon as he's out of sight, Mom smirks at me. "Ah, young love."

"Wait, what? Mom, no way! And even if I did like him, his soulmate isn't me, so just forget about it."

She raises an eyebrow. "I know that look from anywhere. That's the look your father gave me when we first met. Hon, he is so in love with you. You may not see it, but I do."

I blush. "Whatever, Mom. We're just friends, okay? So can you please drop it?"

"Okaaay, but I'm just saying. He's cute, smart, funny, and nice. Besides, maybe you are soulmates..."

We get in the car, but my mind is still wandering.

Could what she said be true?


Thanks guys! Sorry it's been so long. But yeah, we performed Hamilton about a month ago and it was super duper fun! My friend Beth was going to be Angelica, but she got a cold so her understudy did it. Other than that, it was so amazing!

Hopefully you liked this chapter!!!!

Love you guys!

Soul Song - A Philidosia FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora