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"There, a deals a deal just know that immortality manifests differently for people some it's vampirism others lycanthropy and more, but be warned there's no such thing as complete immortality all thanks to witches throughout history playing the part of the piece makers and protecting humans because they were the closest thing to human as can be."

Ryu stretches she doesn't feel immortal nor does she feel like anything has happened at all, "What do you mean were?" Izumi looks surprised she was actually paying attention, "Your little empress set them up and had me kill the whole lot of them and in exchange she will remain the last witch I came back because she didn't hold up her end of the deal and I don't take deal breaking very lightly."

"Yeah, I honestly don't care nice meeting you Izumi and I hope I never see you again." Ryu walks away and Izumi sighs, "You will, I forgot to mention that the reason I want the Empress dead is because if a witch has cursed you her death will undo the curse, you know this insatiable need to correct the world this mentally unstable brain circuit of mine it's all because of her I will hunt you down and every last one of you immortals to the death, but since I'm immortal every time they kill me I keep coming back I can't help it I can't stop it and I don't want it. You are still human which is why you're still alive, but know that I will find you and I will kill you and every other immortal."

He turns his back on her, "Thanks to Ryujin and your generous volunteering I now know the difference between a human with an ability and an immortal that little egg thing in you just burst anyone without it is an immortal, you are still in transition right now though."

Ryu looks shocked all this time she was sure she was using him he was using her and now she just signed off her death sentence, "If I help you get the Empress? If I help you break the curse will that change my fate?"

"Are you sure you want that? I said killing the witch will undo her curse it will also undo her magic meaning that every other immortal created by her hand will die."

"I'd rather it be them than me, what will that mean for you?"

"I am self-made only I can kill myself and you're the first immortal turned by my hand since I massacred the others, what do you think the world war was for? I couldn't kill myself so I had to kill them one by one the others I just killed the witches who turned them there is only one witch left."

"The Empress, fine I know a connection or two to the chick. Obsess over her long enough and I might have time to leave the country."

"You should run like hell because I've been trying to kill the same woman for a century and she's still standing I wouldn't bank on her dying anytime soon."

"Neither will I."


"Tachibana? How did you beat us here?" Kai asks standing outside the estate next to him with Setsuno holding an unconscious Tori in his arms, he wore himself out screaming repeatedly just so he can hear Snow's howl, "Not bad Setsuno we literally would've gone on a wild goose chase if we hiked up the mountain."

"Let's just say I know a lot more than I'm letting on here." Tachibana has been waiting a whole 20 minutes for his back up to arrive he'd like to give them an earful for being late, but it's a miracle they actually found him in the first place.

"It's nothing sister." The alarms go off and she checks the camera footage to see Ken Tachibana with two teenagers and a baby raiding the estate, "Setsuno when things get bad grab Kai and go I have unfinished business I came here to settle." They split up and Tachibana goes straight through the front door.

Kai is headed towards the back entrance while Setsuno stays closer to the exit since he's the one holding Tori and Tachibana will kill him if anything happened to the boy he'll leave the puppy rescue to the other two. Kai opens the door and enters the house slowly and on high alert anything can happen. Tachibana walks into the living room and makes himself comfortable, "Ken."

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