Chapter 1 ~ Mates

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I am Rosily (rose-i-lee) Lue, an everyday werewolf. I have yet to shift but I will on my 18th birthday, which is tomorrow. You are also supposed to find your mate on your 18th birthday. Mate as in Soulmate. I'm the Beta's daughter, yet I am the pack's Omega. My Father is the only family I have left. My mother and my twin left to find a cure for my twin's sickness and they ended up in a car crash; but twins can feel each other's pain so I know she is still alive somewhere out there. I just don't know where she could be. The loss of my mother almost killed Father yet my Alpha helped Father to survive because he needed his Beta. Oh by the way the ranks in a pack are:

Alpha - Leader

Luna - Alpha's mate

Beta - Second in command

Gamma - Third in command

Delta - Commander

Enforcer - Warrior

Zeta - Doctor

Omega - Peacekeeper

Runt - Small wolf

Rouges - Loners

In my dream that night the best thing I could see appeared in front of me. The Moon Goddess was the most sacred goddess in the wolves religion. Also she could visit dreams to give messages so I was awed and a little scared. Scared that she had to visit me to give a message, I mean it could be bad or good.

"Hi little one."

"Hi Moon Goddess, do you have a message for me?"

"Why yes little one, tomorrow you will go through your shifting, Correct?"




"Because you have multiple forms."

"What do you mean by multiple forms?"

"I mean that you are a hybrid."


"Yes my dear, now please calm down..."

"How can I calm down when you just told me I. Am. A. HYBRID!"

"Yes you are a hybrid, You are currently the only hybrid."


"You are the only one because of a spell I cast to save the supernatural world if it ever needed to be saved."

"Does that mean I am the person to save the supernatural world."

"Why, Yes!"

"When do I have to wake up."

"You have to wake up now I will talk to you later, Ok?"


"Bye now my dear."

I woke up then I looked at my clock, it was 5:00 in the morning. What I got on was a black dress that I could take off for my shifting. When I exited my room I could smell the sweetest scent it was honey and sunflower and I knew it was my mate. I follow the scent only to find Gabe alone at the breakfast table.


"Calm down please Rosily I am your mate."

"What...How...?" I exclaim. He grabs my hand and leads me away.

"I will send a cook to make breakfast for us, meanwhile you and I will go tell my dad that I found my mate. After that I will take you to my favorite place in the woods. It is beautiful, I am sure you will love it."

We arrived at Alpha Leo's office. Gabe knocks,

"Come in." we hear Alpha Leo say.

Gabe opens the door dragging me inside as well.

Alpha Leo then says "Rosily how are you?"

"Good I think other than the fact Gabe is my mate."

"Really? Well I approve, have fun Gabriel and Rosily."

I stare at Alpha Leo uncomprehending what he said. I am in shock over the fact I will be a Luna not the Omega.

Gabe POV

I take Rosily to the kitchen to get two baskets of food for lunch. I then take Rosily to the grove of willows that we found in the woods. As soon as she can see the massive willow in the center she jumps out of my arms to run to the willow only to find a picnic blanket set up for us to eat lunch. We eat then we play in the lake that is in the clearing.

Time lapse to 11:58 pm

Rosily POV

I feel a burning sensation like fire in my chest 'scream in pain' Gabe rushes over

"What's wrong?"


"Oh, you're shifting."

'SCREAM' My ribs broke! Gabe carries me to the waterfall cave where I am supposed to shift, when we arrived Gabe checked his watch which says 12:00 midnight then all my bones snapped and reform into a white wolf with black ear and tail tips, black paws, and lavender eyes. Gabe changes into a black wolf with white ear and tail tips, white paws, and lime green eyes.

"Hi, my name is Stella and I am your Wolf. His wolf is called Xavier."

I could already tell that Stella will try to keep me out of trouble. Xavier comes up to Stella and nuzzles her. I suddenly feel immense pain yet again. I am shifting into another form. This one has red eyes, fangs, pale white skin, and a huge thirst for blood. It is a Vampire. Gabe had shifted back when he saw me in pain.

"I am Haleigh." my vampire cheerily announces to Gabe

"What?" Gabe yells at Haleigh

"I know, OK, and now I need blood. Soon."

"I'll go get a deer be back soon"

"Hello Haleigh" Stella says in my head

"Hello Stella" Haleigh responds

"Will I have the two of you in my head at the same time?"

"No, why would you have two of us in your head?"

"You will have many more than two," Stella announces.

"While Gabe is gone I have a question. Haleigh, will you help me with a prank pretty please?" I question.

"Sure but here comes my blood. Boy am I hungry," Haleigh almost moans at the sight of a bloody deer.

"Will you please not do any pranks I don't want to get into trouble" Stella pleads with me.

While Haleigh drinks as much blood as she can get from the deer. Gabe starts mumbling to himself. Finally she is done and that is when I notice what I am wearing. I am wearing a red ball gown!

When I shift back Gabe starts demanding answers. Then he studies me realizing I have a dress on instead of being naked like other wolves would be. When other wolves shift their clothes tear; mine didn't. I look beautiful in this gown. Then I start seeing black dots dancing in front of my eyes. I pass out.

Luna RosilyWhere stories live. Discover now