Chapter Two

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When my alarm went off it startled me awake it took me a second to realise why I was so warm my head was tucked into his shoulder, his arm is wrapped tightly around my waist keeping me still and our legs are intertwined.

"Sorry" I mumbled rubbing my eyes getting off the bed, pushing myself into the far corner of my room

"Don't worry about it" He said coming over pushing hair out of my face lowering down trying to meet my gaze

"My dad should be gone I should probably head home and change" He said pulling his pants on

"Max is probably still in Dustins room just peak in if you want"

"Ya...sure...hey thanks for last night" He said as he headed out of my room

When I hear the front door slam I star getting ready for school peaking out of my window I see moms car pull in then she yells out a good morning before I hear her door close. Picking up Billy's shirt which was still sitting there I looked at it for a second before deciding to wear it, when I pulled it on it smelt like his cologne and smoke. Just as I'm heading downstairs I hear a honk outside which meant Nancy and Harrigton were here, Dustin was already down there with his ghost busters costume on.

"You sure you want to wear that?" I asked him letting out a small laugh

"Ya we're all wearing it" He said giving me a goofy smile

"Oh Dusty you look so cute! Let me get a picture" Mom said coming out of her room with a camera

She holds up her camera as he makes a pose at the last second I jump in making a stupid face, mom gives me a disaproving look making me laugh as Harignton beeps again.

"Gotta go" Giving them a wave on the way out

"Nice shirt where'd ya get it?" Asked Nancy as I got in the car

"Oh thrifted it" I lied looking down at her


Lunch seemed to roll around faster then normal today maybe because it was Halloween on a Friday, I was trying to hurry at my locker to meet Nancy and Steve when two hands slammed on the lockers on either side of my head.

"Hey baby" I heard Billy's voice whisper in my ear moving my hair back his breath tickling my neck and body pressing into mine

"Hi.." I whispered putting books in my locker

"You coming to the party tonight?" He asked he was so close I could feel him pressing into my back

"Ya Nancy, Steve and I are going" I said stumbling over my words

"Good by the way I like the shirt better on you but I would much prefere taking it off and seeing what's underneath" He kissed my neck before slapping my ass before walking away

"What was that about?" Asked Harignton coming up with Nancy all I could hear was my heart beating in my ears

"I don't know what you mean" I said slamming my locker holding my wallet

"Ya sure...let's go to lunch" Laughed Nancy

When we went outside to go to lunch I saw Billy with a girl getting in his car probably going for a mid day hook up, just then I felt someone yank on my arm.

"Emma seriously quit staring at Billy ok he's an ass" Said Nancy before we got in Steve's car

I knew she was right but there was just something different about him, he was hidding his true self under a rough exterior because of his home life, but that was non of my buisiness.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 01 ⏰

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