Starting the Offensive

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"Can I kiss you?"


When I opened my eyes some of the dream came back to me and I remembered some of what had happened last night. We had continued with our game much later into the night but after our kiss, I couldn't remember many details. "Mate finally kissed us again." Night-paw was basically screaming in our head. "I know, and it didn't have anything to do with the Goddess this time either." I thought. I had dreamt about our simple little kiss all night, there could be no forgetting it.

Making my way to the kitchen I start breakfast and before long Faye comes out of the guest room to watch while she drinks her cream and picks at some fruit. "You can always help if you want." I tease her as she waits. "No thanks, the food tastes better when you make it." She answers me with a small smile. I beam, I was worried there might have been some kind of fight between us again later in the night. It always seemed to happen that as soon as I thought I was getting somewhere with her, something I said or did would ruin her mood and another large fight would break out. "Do you have any training  today or is Aries still doing it?" I ask her. "He's doing all but the most advanced class so I'm free again today." She answered. "Any plans? We could hang out and do something after I get the paperwork done." I ask her again, pushing further. "I was thinking that since now Aries is here and can train most of the pack it was time to push into a more offensive position. So I was just going to use the memories I stole from the last group of attacking rogues to go wipe out their pack today." She said as she stole a piece of bacon I was taking out of the pan. "You were just gonna do WHAT?!" I almost knocked the frying pan off the stove when I heard her words. "I was going to go wipe out the pack of rogues that has been attacking a bunch lately." She repeats herself more slowly this time. "You can't take on a whole pack by yourself. You need to take help with you." I stammered out. I knew she had fought in a war before so I thought she would be smarter than this, doesn't she know how strong a pack of rogues could be? "HA! I'll be alright, surely by now you know better than to doubt me. Still, if it makes you feel better you are welcome to join me. I know how worried you get when it comes to my safety." She said before eating breakfast.

"I still think you need to at least take your advanced class with you to help." I argued. "They'll just get in my way, I fight alone." She corrects me. "What was the point in training the pack then?" I argue. Maybe if I try to get her to see how valuable it is for her class to see her in combat I can convince her. The last thing I needed was my mate trying to take on hundreds of wolves by herself. "I've been training the pack so I don't have to worry about you guys during attacks on the pack. Not to join me in battle." She seemed surprised. I dropped my fork and stared at her. "What? You might be able to hold your own against me in training sessions, while I'm intentionally trying not to hurt you I might add, but no one else in the pack is anywhere near ready to fight at the same level as us." She pointed out. I couldn't help my goofy grin as she praised my skills so high above the rest of the pack. "Maybe if they ever make it through the obstacle course I made them my top students could start to work on strength and get useful but until then the pack is mostly just training to help protect itself." She explained her plan to me. "So your plan is to try and win a war with only yourself on the offense and the whole rest of the pack on defense?" I asked her, puzzled. "Of course, what else would my plan be?" She asked puzzled. 

"When you fought before, back during the war you've mentioned, is that how your people won?" I asked out of curiosity. "Yes, my battle sisters and I went out and fought while our people stayed protected by our barriers." She explained. She seemed confused by the horror on my face. "How do your people fight?" She asked. "Well, everyone who can fight does. We have some weaker fighters who protect those who can't fight like children but just about the whole pack would be a part of the fighting." She seemed to think about it. "Your children would be at a higher risk that way though since they would have fewer people protecting them than my way." She countered. "I agree, but it's more about you. You take on all the risk yourself? While the people you're fighting for stay safe far away from danger?" I pushed on. She thought about it for a bit, "I suppose I never thought about it that way. Yes, we took all risk while our people stayed safe but it also meant we had much fewer deaths than we might have otherwise had. Not all fairies are made for war." She reminded me. "Yeah, just the ones the Queen experimented on as children." I say under my breath. Right away I can tell she heard me but she just ignores my comment. "Are you coming or not then?" She asks. "Just let me go do the paperwork first." I tell her. There was no way I was letting my mate go face a whole pack of rogues alone. If I went too I would at least be able to call the rest of the pack for help if anything went wrong.

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