DredX Survivalist

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Earth 2992

Music is for the soul. It is one thing that survives the chaos of human life. We use music to connect, to express ourselves, to find a reason to really live.

Me? I was using my music to keep me awake as I zoomed down the highway on my quite stolen former police motorcycle. What I said before? Ignore it, that sort of thing does not mean anything anymore.

Not in this world.


The year is 2992 and it could not get any worse. No really, we cannot get any worse than this. Two years ago, some nut jobs in a laboratory were developing yet another virus or cure or something like that. I am not too sure on the details, but they failed and ended up creating a virus that pretty much wiped out half the population.

 They call it DredX. What DredX is, is a very highly contagious virus that is spread through saliva and blood. What it did was slowly rot away mind and body. Those infected with it turned into mindless bodies, rotting away as they attacked anything insight.

Luckily, the mind after about a year fully is disintegrated, rotted, whatever and the thing no longer moves and attacks. If you were to, I don’t know go and kiss it and eat the thing. You might be infected, but if someone was to do that, they really deserved to die.

Hard blunt trauma to the head stops them and kills them. I got that information from the internet. I could have done what many decided to do. Stay in my house with food and wait it out praying that we did not get attacked, but I did not see the sense.

I have fully researched these DredX Zombie things. They are not smart, at all and they cannot function in severe cold. They really are not too bright about it either I watched video clips of the things struggling and walking through snow to just freeze in their tracks. That is somewhat sick is it not? The scientists can experiment when the world is as messed up as it is.

The safest bet for many of the untainted survivors would be to try to make it to somewhere really really cold, but getting past all these DredX zombies was really something.

I myself had been travelling and making my plans for a good year. A month ago, I had turned 18, and nothing had really changed. Except for people, I swear there were more of these things than before. I was doing my part in taking back Earth though sort of. Every town that I stopped in to refuel or change vehicles I got rid of every single Zombie. Mostly this was so these things could not sneak up on me somehow.

As I said before these things were really not that smart. I just got somewhere that I could pick them off one by one or I just went hunting for them. They were attracted to loud noises and strong smells. Their reaction to these things were to run towards it and try to eat it. Some of them I saw just sitting there babbling at the sky. As I said not too smart.

Considering it has been about a good year and a half since all food factories had closed down, I was really glad that we had so far advanced technologically. Everything was solar powered. Transportation, buildings, machines all ran off the energy that we got from the sun. Food was ‘frozen in time’ to say or as I say put in stasis. When we want it; unfreeze it and eat.

The solar power fuel came in handy as I was travelling some really long distances. During the day, I put up the solar capture rod, which saved fuel for later and ran the vehicle. By night, I ran on that particular fuel until I stopped.

I was not travelling with a single person. Not one and I did not plan to. My SolartouchPhone kept me updated with the newest developments and facilities that people were in. Sometimes I connected to see how the rest of the world was fairing.

There were some really powerful groups trying to make a name from themselves and using the infection problem to do it. There were those begging for help, I really hated those, and then there were those like me. Travelling not answering to anybody doing whatever to survive and with our own goals in mind.

My goal was to get upstate and claim the tourist ship Angel Face for myself, and sail the seas until this whole thing blows over. I am really not a people person, I do not have parents, grew up in an orphanage. My identification card says Melissa Nazon but to anyone I run into I introduce myself as Rogue, if I bother to introduce myself.

I was cold hearted before this whole virus started. I am even worse now, I have no problem with leaving anyone behind, I refuse to argue and beg I get transportation and leave. I guess if this whole things finishes I should see a shrink. Then I could sit in his office all calm and cool and go. “Well during my survival struggle I killed a lot. Doesn’t bother me a bit. Even women, children but there aren’t children, children don’t try to fricken eat you! Yeah, my childhood sucked I guess, no parents. Guess I stole stuff. Heck nobody is technically selling so it was like a shopping spree!”

Yeah, I should be worried about my mental health I have killed so much it does not even bother me anymore. Do not even see the faces anymore, just the end of my road. Rich, successful, secure and living the rest of my life away from everyone else.

I had two more months of hard travel until I made it to where the Angel Face was docked. The next town I stopped at I was ditching the motorcycle and getting something that could carry heavy goods. It was time to start stocking up.

All I possessed in the world was a small backpack that I never left alone. Ever. And my weapons, I had enough of those to scare any puffed up gang feeling they were all of that.

Ahead I saw a faded sign alerting me to the fact that a small town was ahead. There is where I would stop for the night. I really preferred small towns, at least for now, less hassle to secure a sleeping place at night.

I adjusted my night goggled and increased my speed to 150. I was eager to secure a place to sleep. I doubted the town would have any inhabitants or any nice ones. Not that it mattered to me. I really did not care about who I killed nowadays. Human, Zombie, it was about survival not morals. 

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