Part I survivors of the ages

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Chapter One

You know when I actually bothered to listen in school, back when there was school. In history my teacher was telling us about this man that had once said “The human mind is able to endure so much emotional trauma, what we sometimes deem as madness or insanity is sometimes the human mind’s way of evolving and coping with what we take in, the only madness that exist is when there are those that are unable to function totally. But if we were really to think that form of madness is even another way of coping. How then can we judge the others?”

I am serious a man said that, he wrote a book that actually got printed. On paper. They used paper to print it to be passed down onto generations. Back then, I wondered about the people who said this book was a masterpiece and said it was a vital part for us. Now I actually see his point.

Not to complain but I have seen so much, in the beginning after a child zombie came after me and I had to take it down. I cried and vomited, I was so mad, at the people who messed around creating DredX, at the parents of the child, myself, society, science.

I wanted to live, but not feeling as I did then. Worthless, a murderer, I actually felt that I should have died for doing that. Sometimes I still feel that way.

Most of the time now, I just feel calm and cool. No anger and remorse, feeling nothing, except for the need to survive. That is what really keeps me going now. I have to live. Not to survive this find some soft bellied fool get married and have kids and such. No I need to survive so that I can start all over again.

One of these days I am going to completely reform myself. Or go mad in the process. Whichever comes first. That is if the DredX zombies do not mutate in some way and get me, that would be a real sucky way to go.


When I rode into the town the only thing I did was to slow down a bit. I was not hiding from these things. I wanted them to hear me. To come after me, that way there was less chances of surprises when I was sleeping.

I zoomed down a street, braked and sped back up. At the beginning of the street, they were gathering. Making my job a whole lot easier. First as I sped towards them I activated the wide range stun laser that the motorcycle had.

Freezing the group on the road ahead. When I got rid of the motorcycle, I would miss this little feature. I really loved cop bikes for this feature alone. The stun laser prevented them from using their legs, which allowed me time to remove my weapon from its holster and fire.

I was deaf to everything as I fired.  I did not see the faces that the bullets destroyed just the falling bodies. I dimly heard the blood splatter only the roars of the monsters. In almost no time, the street was cleared.

I breathed through my mouth because the stench was revolting. I could hear the approach of many more of the creatures coming, toward the smells and noise. I let go of myself and allowed the survivalist in me to take over. There was no real reason for me to take on anymore nightmare images.

I knew my body was moving but I could not tell where. I could tell that I was killing but could not see what. All I knew at this point was to survive. Everything that came at me with evil intent was my target. It had taken me months for me to get to this point. To turn on this switch that allowed me peace from what I had to do, to survive.

Blinking in the dark evening, I looked around my surroundings. Everywhere the bodies of the fallen enemy lay. Some were small ravaged bodies and I turned my gaze away. It looked like I had taken care of the problem of these things trying to eat me later.

I had ended up in a mall parking lot. I was surprised. This town looked like the last town to support such a huge mall. It must have been a recent thing, bring in people and keep the younger generation. Hands on my hips I began to scan the place for my motorcycle.

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