Part III Dance of the evils

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Chapter 3

“Come on Boogie man.” I taunted. “You heard the people; they want me taken care of before I can run off with their precious supplies.”

Joss rolled to his feet. He had the movement of a puppet doll with the strings cut but I was not afraid. We all had crosses to bear. How he handled this situation would determine whether the little group stayed together or not.

“If I don’t want to?” Joss asked his voice low but spreading. Theatrics. Nothing to really marvel at.

“They want you to.” I pointed out. “They think they control you and your actions. The Boogie Man that comes out of the dark when they say.” I saw Joss pause and look from me to do a sweep over the people.

They were shaking their heads and denying my words. Just as I thought they would. The scared little sheep they were.

“She lies!”

“We never once thought of you that way!”

“Don’t let her confuse you!”

“She is trying to trick you!”

“We never wanted to confuse you! We never even wanted to control you!”

“But they sure did want you gone. Or at least a few of them.” I added in my voice going far over the others.

“You want me to do what? Team up and run off with you?” Joss asked humour lying in his tone.

I snorted. “I hate people, I’d rather not. I want you to fight me and try to kill me. Who knows you might even win. Zombies aren’t too smart so maybe I haven’t been getting the full workout. You might be able to give me one.”

Joss’s eyes darkened just the littlest bit. “I’m no one’s to control. I’m no one’s to use to kicks.”

I snorted again. “You protect what’s your right?” Smiling I quickly subdued the closest person to me. A young frightened woman. she started to scream the moment I touched her but when I touched the ken gun to her head she fell instantly silent.

“Protect what’s yours Joss. Or does only one thing matter anymore? Even if that is true and only one thing matters. Protect the possessions of the one thing. Come Joss.” I activated the gun and heard the gasps of those surrounding me.

“This is getting out of hand.” Ross spoke up, but I paid him no mind. It was Joss I wanted. I needed him to come at me.

I could smell the sweat on the girl I clutched to me and I brought her just a bit closer and caressed the trigger.

“The great thing about this gun.” I drawled. “Is that I won’t have anything to clean up after I pull the trigger.”

“Oh heavens no!” An older woman cried out. Most likely the mother, or some sort of family member. Whichever she was if I ended up killing the girl it would teach her a lesson but because these people were so stupid..

“Hey, you people, listen up. Next time if it looks like a next time may occur. If you have a problem with somebody meaner and stronger and a hell lot less soulless than you. Shut up. Because you could be like weeping older lady over there.” I said narrowing my eyes.

“This could be you in this position. Or watching someone. Just. About. To Die.” I sighed. Brining the girl and  my gun hand closer together. Joss leapt into action but he was too late. I had already fired.

But into the roof. I let the girl drop to the floor where she proceeded to curl up and whimper. At least she was not a screamer.

I myself stood where I was. Joss did not run straight at me he kept zigzagging. Good stuff. I could see his confusion in my not moving. He was preparing for me to move to the side or come straight at him.

DredX SurvivalistWhere stories live. Discover now