Chapter One (Angel's POV)

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     I walked out of the coffee shop with my mom's latte in my hand. She asks me get her one all the time, almost daily.

      Anyways the crossing sign said walk so that's what i did. i walked out into the middle of the street. Everyone started honking their horns and yelling at me to get out f the way. It took me a minute to understand what they were saying and that minute, was enough delay.

      I didnt even see the car as i got hit. I felt only the pain. The second my head hit the ground, the darkness swallowed me whole.

     I don't know how long I was out but when I awoke i was screaming in pain. They asked me where it hurt but i could only scream in return. They pushed my mom out of the room and i managed to gasp "Goodbye mommy, I love you" before she was gone. They took me to the operation room. They didn't have time to put me under so i was awake and screaming the whole time.

I kept blacking out from the pain but i still caught some of what the doctors were saying.

"She's in too much pain this isn't normal!"

"The bleeding wont stop!"  "Use a clamp!"  "They aren't working!"  "They have to!!"

Finally someone got them all to shut up before speeking the words that crushed my heart and will.

"Guys we cant do anything more for her besides give her a quicker death. Her mother already agreed as long as her daughter doesn't suffer."

     The operation room was dead silent. I screamed out again in pain and grief. I heard the shuffle of feet and then i saw the head doctor standing over me holding a syringe. As he slipped the needel into my IV and pushed down the plunger he said "Your mother loves you, and i wish you luck where ever you go."

     I barley heard him as the darkness took me under one more time. This time was different though. This time the darkness had a permanent feeling to it. Finally i lost my will to fight and I slowly slipped under.

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