bull fight

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Jorge: Manolo! Get out of there!

Carols: What is happening?

Carmen: Carlos!

Carlos: Carmen!

Candle Maker: Manolo! Your father is here!

Manolo: Papa?

Carlos: Chakal and his men are at the gates of San Angel!

Candle Maker: Man, this is a whole lot of bull.

You watch Manolo try to take the bulls down really fast.

Manolo: Toro! Toro, venga! Venga, torote. Venga.

Luis: Get up and fight like a Sanchez! Mama? What are you doing here?

Anita: Cholesterol.

Manolo: Toro! Venga, toro!

Luis: The beast is out!

Carmelo: Time to finish this.

Luis: Yeah!

Crowd: Finish him! Finish him!

Luis: What is he doing?

Manolo picks up his guitar and starts playing Xibalba looks confused.

Manolo: Toro, I am humbled~

for tonight, I understand~

Your royal blood was never meant~

to decorate this sand~

You've suffered great injustice~

so have thousands before you~

offer an apology and one long overdue~

I am sorry~

Toro, I am sorry~

Hear my song and know I sing the truth~

Although we were bred to fight~

I reach for kindness~

in your heart tonight~

The bull goes to stomp on Manolo Xibalba gets a big grin on his face

And if you can forgive~

And if you can forgive~

Love can truly live~

And if you can forgive~

and if you can forgive~

Love can truly live~

The bull didn't step on Manolo it laied down Xibalba's jaw dropped candle Maker pulled on his beard and made it go back up to his face.

And if you can forgive~

and if you can forgive~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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