A lonely spooky month

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Skid's POV: I was walking around wearing the same costume even though I have many more costumes the skeleton costume is my favorite.

It was getting close to halloween so most people had halloween decorations on their houses.

I was feeling down because Pump was sick and I didn't know why. Common cold? Fever? Sore throat? Maybe all of them at once? I was asking myself those questions about why he was sick and I hope he'll get better.

I saw the three bullies Roy, Robert, and Ross.

I tried to sneak past them to get to the candy store but they saw me and Roy said "Hey loser!" He hit me on the head and Ross pushed me down.

I was getting tears and I was sad. They walked away and I was sitting on the sidewalk pulling my knees to my chest and I was crying and saying quietly "I just want pump back" after a few minutes of crying silently I get up and walk back home.

While walking home I was wiping my tears and the pain started to stop. I eventually get to my house and open the door.

I see my mom on the couch and I say "hey mom." She looks at me and she says with a smile "hey son, you're home early." I sit next to her and I tell her "I miss Pump." She says "I know you do but he'll get better soon." I nod and I ask her "can I sleep next to you tonight just to make me feel better?" She answers "yes anything for my little skeleton!" She laughs a bit and I giggle.

She tells me "wait here I'll get dressed." (I didn't know what to say during that line) I say "ok!" I smile happily but I still miss Pump.

After a few minutes of waiting my mom walks to me and grabs my hand and leads me to her room and we get under the blankets and fall asleep.

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