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(quick a/n, i don't really want to make henry and his "goons" the bad guys in this, so they're just gonna be normal kids)

the smell of bacon and eggs fill my nostrils. i jump out of bed, and run downstairs. i see my adoptive mom, henrietta, taking down plates from the cabinet, "mornin', henrietta." she turns to face me and smiles, "morning, y/n. and please, call me mom." i nod, "it might take some gettin' used to, but i'll try."
i fix my plate, as henry, my adoptive brother, walks in with three other guys, i'm assuming to be his friends. they all sit at the table after getting their plates.
"boys," henry says, causing the four of us to catch his attention, "this is my sister, y/n. she's not biological, but i love her just the same." they all attempt to say their names at the same time, but i can't understand them. "i can't understand y'all when ya talk like that," i giggle.
one by one, they say their names. the black haired boy speaks up first, "i'm patrick. pleasure to meet you, y/n."
then, the one in the ball-cap speaks, "i'm reginald, but friends call me belch."
the blond haired boy speaks last, "uh, i'm victor." he turns away, his face red.
i smile, "nice to meet all of y'all."
the boys stay and hang for a while. i grew very fond of victor. he's a sweet kid.
"hey, y/n?"
"yeah, vic?"
"this may be weird, but i, uh, i like you..."
"funny, i was about to tell you the same thing!"
we laugh. today was a good day.

~ a/n howdy y'all! so how was it?? let me know
-peace, lexi ~

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