Katsuki Bakugou

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I have known Katsuki Bakugou for ten years, and liked him for seven. But every time I try and tell him how I feel, I choke.

I'm so hopelessly smitten by him that I've followed him everywhere he goes, including to his dream school, UA.

He might have figured me out if he wasn't so oblivious when it comes to feelings.

I just, wish he knew.

"Hey Katsuki!" I greeted as I ran after him. He was on his way to school, we would always meet up in the morning and walk together. It wasn't a far walk from the dorms though.

"You're late dumbass." He grumbled as he continued walking, not even bothering to slow down.

"Sorry, I had a hard time getting out of bed so it slowed down my morning routine." I apologized as I tried to keep up.

It was spring time and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom; it was always my favorite time of year when I got to see the petals fall like snowflakes.

Japan just felt a lot more peaceful with the pink flowers around. It smelled nice too.

Katsuki bonked me on my head snapping me out of my thoughts. "You're always daydreaming and not paying attention to what's around you, it's annoying. What if you ran into someone?"

"Oh sorry, I guess I spaced out. I can't help but space out sometimes, besides I know you're here so you'd stop me from running into anything!" I gave him a big smile making him let out a 'tsk.'

"Yeah whatever."

For as long as I had known Katsuki his harsh exterior couldn't fool me. I knew he cared for the people around him. I knew he'd protect me, no matter what. And he always did.

When we were younger a lot of the girls would always pick on me for hanging out with Katsuki, they were just jealous of course. But Katsuki would always stick up for me and yell at the girls. Then they would stop.

He hasn't stood up for me in a while though, I guess he figures I can handle myself. Which I can. But it was still nice when he would.

"Are you even paying attention? I've been talking to you for the last few minutes and all you've done is look at me with a dumb look on your face." Katsuki gave me a look of disappointment before he continued. "Whatever it doesn't matter we're here anyway."

"I'm sorry Katsuki! I promise I didn't mean to space out again, you're just so mesmerizing when the cherry blossoms fall around you!" We took our seats next to each other at our separate desks.

"Don't say crap like that! Besides it's fine, I'm used to your airheadedness." He sighed as he propped his feet up on his desk.

"I really am sorry." I turned away from him and looked to the door, watching as my fellow classmates walked into the classroom, before I turned back to Katsuki beside me. "Promise to tell me what you were talking about later ok? I want to know."

Sorry I Didn't Kiss You 『Katsuki Bakugou x reader』Where stories live. Discover now