Info before starting the book

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I hope you enjoy the book! This is my first time writing a Marvel fan fiction so I hope it's good! I will be posting every Friday at 7:00 ct. I'm not sure if I want to post two chapters a week or just one. If you have any suggestions please let me know!

I originally did not intend to post this story, Loki is my comfort character and I started writing this story for fun. I have trouble sleeping and reading Loki fanfiction helps me sleep. So I wrote this because it's personal to me, and I can read it before falling asleep. That's also how I got the name of the book, this story is The place between my dreams when I'm asleep, and when I'm awake during the day. But since I really enjoy writing it I've decided to post it!

I also have songs for every chapter and a playlist for all the songs is available on Spotify! The playlist is updated before the story so you might get a hint of the vibe of the next chapter. Some chapters might have two songs, but most of the time it's only one song per chapter. :)

Link to Playlist:

Here is a little bit about the main character.

pronouns: She/Her

Hero Name: Frostbite

Real Name: Skadi, but changed to Constance (Connie) after she was adopted


Family:Not close, they don't really like her

Avengers member time in: Has been a part of the team for two years.

Parent type people: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts

"siblings"(sibling type friendship): Peter Parker

Powers: reality manipulation, Ice/cold control, and telekinesis type magic.

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