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Tsukishima's pov:

It was late into the night and I was cuddling with my boyfriend, we were still up watching movies we watched some scary one's some funny one's but right now we are on a romantic one a shoyo is really flustered because there has been, two make out seance and now we are at the end of the move they were having sex it was kinda funny looking at him all flustered he was also hard you could tell but I was not going to point it out . After the sex seance past Hinata said something "hey kei do you think we will be able to do that soon" he said as he looked down at the bed all flustered it also got me blushing to "maybe we can do it now" I mumble as I looked at his Dick which was hard  "what was that " he looks up at me with a cute confused face " I said maybe we can do that now" I say again with a little smirk, shoyo was surprised and flustered it was making me horny next thing i we I was on top of him making out.

I'm going to stop it right there for now 😉

_________________________________________this use to be way shorter until I fixed it so to all the people already read this and are reading again I hope you like this version I bet it left you wanting more but not now😜

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