Flyin' first class

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Dan's POV

I awoken to the sound of Stacy cry. Waking my husband Phil as well. We bolt to her I pick her up comforting her.

"What's wrong dear?" Phil asking has her sobs got quieter.

"I....I.... I don't wanna leave Auntie Louise and all of you fwends," she said.

"Don't worry we'll see them soon," I cooed. Once she was calm we all cuddled and ate watching Alice in Wonderland one if the many Disney movies we packed. Once we were done I went to bathe Stacy as Phil packed. Once we were all ready we went to the lobby for our final good-byes. We then got on our plane in first class which Phil requested.

"This is nice, nobody in the first class but us," Phil sighed as we interlocked hands as we use to do all the time. Stacy asleep leaning toward Phil. We were just about to take off when two familiar girls sat on the other side of the row of seats.

"Hey Ann Marie!" "Hey Nicole!" Stacy almost screamed jumping out of her end seat to hug them.

"Hey Stacy," Nicole and Ann Marie said at the same time getting a chuckle from Phil and I.

"Well its been a long time," Nicole said with scracasm in her voice.

"Yeah I didn't know you guys lived in London," I said.

"Yep," Nicole said popping the 'p'

"We moved here after we graduated becoming citizens," Ann Marie explained.

"Cool that must have been hard work," Phil said. We talked with them for the whole ride. From Phil and my skype calls to Nicole wanting to dye her hair teal. We got everybody's number once we got off the plane. I stumbled to the flat carrying Stacy the whole time my arms were tired. Phil then opened the door and I practically ran to Stacy's room to put her to sleep. I got that all over it was 12 am my body tired from jet lag I crawled into bed with Phil.

"Night love," I told him.

"Night and guess what," he mumbled.

"What," I mumble back.

"I ship you!" He said.

"Ship you too love now night,"


Hey guys Nicole here wow right this is my first chapter on the second book I know but Ann Marie has been good with it so yeah love yah byye

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