This is home

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Dan's POV: I held Stacy to my chest as Phil opened the door. When we got into the flat I carefully walked into her new room (Phil's old bedroom) and put her in her crib. She kinda did look like what our child would look like. She had brown hair like mine and blue eyes kinda like Phil's. I took out my phone and took a picture of her. I posted the picture to Instagram and the comments came rolling in. I cooked dinner as Phil filmed a video. After he was done I could hear him edit, the reason behind this was because he was listening to Fall out boy and was singing Immortals. I didn't want him to wake up Stacy so I told him to stop please. Phil and I ate tacos and watching American horror story. I could hear Stacy cry and Phil was a fucking superhero. Right when he heard a whimper he ran right over. I laughed when he came back, he was bopping her and was smiling.
"Can you believe we have a child now?" He asked while holding her.
"Nope, but we have a four month year old who looks like us. Still insane, considering we only adopted her a few hours ago." I said picking up her hand.
When we went to bed that night, I thought to myself,'This is home.'

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