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Small trigger warning for this chapter! ⚠️⚠️

I woke up this morning drenched in sweat, after my nightmare, so i'm in the shower letting the hot water hit my back, after last night i needed this.

I haven't had those nightmares in a year in a half...this is causing me so much more stress than i need to have.

I cant tell the boys because then they'll freak out and tell me to do this and that, or not to do this and that, and i'm not in the mood to hear their bantering.

After what felt like a century being in the shower i turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing the towel i left on the toilet seat, and wrapped it around my body.

I walk over to the mirror to see what i'm dealing with today, i see my dark circles under my eyes and huff to my self, i move along and run my eyes down my body through the mirror and notice these red scratches on my arms....

This isn't new, this happens when have those nightmares, i'm not sure why it happens but having the nightmares causes me to scratch at my self, to i guess represent what happen to me a few years ago. I scratch anything, my neck, thighs, arms.

I woke up one morning and my sheets were somewhat fully covered in my blood, i cut myself that hard and bad that i made myself bleed.

Moments of that night flood my memory of me pleading him to stop but he wouldn't. Of him doing things to me.

A knock on the bathroom door brings me back to present time.

"Aria, You okay?" Dylan calls out. I whip a tear that had fallen, and clear my throat

" Yeah i'm good, i'll be out in a second."

I listen to his footsteps walking away from the door and down the hall, they slowly fade away down the hall, i take that has my cue to leave the bathroom and go get dressed.

Today is a day where i either stay in my bed or lay on the couch. I don't have many days like this but when i do they're usually really bad. I walk into my closet and picked out what i first saw appealing to wear.

Which happened to be a white crop top but i covered it up with a light jacket that's grey, and black sweats. I'm more so chunky so i don't like to show my stomach so i always cover it up with something.

It might be stupid to wear a crop top but end up covering it, but that's what i do. I brush my hair really quickly.

I decided i'd rather be on the couch since Dylan would probably be gone all day.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen and grab everything that i want to eat, chips, cookies, crackers, anything i saw i grabbed. After i almost dropped everything on my wait into the living room.

The doorbell rings.

"Jesus christ Dyl, did you forget the house key!" I yell out, walking towards the door.

"I'm going t- " Opening the door i realize it's not Dylan and it's two very tall and built guys, balled heads and they're wearing suits and have sunglasses on.

"Can i help you?" I ask, curious as to why these large men who belong in WWE are standing in my doorway.

"Miss Aria Ryder?" The man to the left ask.

"That's me" I speak, switching my weight to my other foot. "Who's asking?".

"May we come in?" The man to the right asked this time. They look like they're apart of the law so i move aside allowing them to come in, i shut the door being them and walk them to the dining room.

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