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My lungs are absolutely begging me to slow down to catch my breathe, but I can't. If i slow down even a little bit he will catch me. He will do the same thing he did to her.

I should've done more.

My thoughts are getting to me again, i have to push them in the back of my mind, unless i want to end up like her. I can feel his presence behind me. My body feels like it's vibrating while i'm running down these halls.

If i look behind me i'll be more terrified knowing how close he is to me. I keep running until i come to this door in-front of me that says 'exit' with stairs. I don't even think about it, i open the door and run up the steps until i get to the top where there is another door. leading me to the top part of the building. I run till i reach the edge of the building and i finally catch my breathe.

If i focus hard enough i can hear car horns, and i can hear the voices of people one hundred feet below me. I can smell the food from the food trucks. I close my eyes and take a very much needed long, deep breath. If only in this moment i wasn't running for my life, maybe i could actually enjoy the view.

I laugh out loud at the thought of that. I open my eyes and look up at the sky, seeing all the colors of orange, blue and pink mixing into each other making a beautiful sunset.

The sound of the heavy metal door breaks me out of my thoughts. I look down at the door and see three men in suits looking around. I stay where i am frozen, who knows if they are with that guy or not.

"Aria...Aria Johnson!" One of them yells out. Nerves take over. I stay still, not moving a muscle.

"We are part of the FBI!" Another one yells. Sudden relief takes over my body.

"I'm here, i'm over here!" I yell out loud enough so they can hear me. They look over in my direction, and jog over to me.

Once they were close enough to me i could see what they looked like. Two of them have brown hair, one is spike up with a blonde streak in the front. The other has curls instead. The other man is blonde, but his roots are a smidge bit darker.

Things started to get blurry, and my body started to feel light. Almost like i was floating. I started to see six men running towards me.

I felt my body fall the cold, concrete and my head hit first.

After that, everything was dark.

His Bed // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now