Epilogue: She Keeps Me Warm

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A/N: video is about when the two of them decided to live together :P and also video for the epilogue mwapss :* 

"Don't move!" Lia says to Ryujin as she measures her while standing

"I'm not moving, maybe you're the one moving" Ryujin tries to tease Lia but ends up getting curious as to what Lia is even doing " what are you even doing??"

"I'm measuring your vital statistics" Lia replies

"You can measure my vital statistics later babe, at the bed ya know..like I won't move, I promise" Ryujin tries to say a snarky remark only leaving Lia irritated. 

After a while, "aigoo I want to sit already" Ryujin whines like a baby

"I said don't move!" Lia on the other hand is trying her best to measure the last bit of Ryujin's torso just to get this over with. They've done this a couple of times already but Ryujin always end up winning, teasing Lia to no end

"Kiss me first" Ryujin requested as she closes her eyes and pouts her lips which halts Lia's movement. Staring at the silly girl in front of her 

"I'll kiss you a thousand times later babe but right now, I just need you to keep still" Lia gets back to using her measuring tape

"Promise? A thousand times? I'm gonna count" Ryujin is now just straight up annoying Lia

"Yes, now stay still"

"Yes babe" Ryujin answers, a few seconds later "Lia..."

"Hmm?" Lia doesn't even try to reply anymore

"Can you also measure my love to you?"

"Eh? Hahhaha pabo you can't measure my love to you"

"Really? I love you too!"

After a few silence – "You're quiet now, what's on your mind Ryu?" Lia says, subtly staring at Ryujin from time to time.

"I'm just thinking – are you really okay keeping us a secret?"

"Yes" Lia quickly answers, leaving no doubt behind in Ryujin's mind. 

"Even if it takes forever? Imagine not being able to hold your hand in public, kiss you in public...are you really fine with that?" Ryujin innocently asks the other girl.

She paused for a bit and halts her movement.

"I don't care about those things, what I care about is being with you. I don't care if it takes forever, I know what is the situation I'm about to venture to and Ryu...I chose to be here so don't ever doubt that I will regret this in the future. You're the best decision I ever made" Lia says as she stares deeply into Ryujin's eyes. 

Silence fills the air again

"even if you won't get pregnant? Cus you know I cant get you pregnant"

"Who says I want to get pregnant? Besides, bearing a child is painful – but of course it depends on the future – we can adopt a lovely child if we come to that point, one step at a time Ryu"

"Even if I'm old and fugly?" Ryujin asks

"even that, I'd still choose you, now shush" Lia dismiss her

"even if – "

"shhushhh let me finish this" 

"okay" Ryujin asnwers shortly, and sat still just like what she is told to do. 

"How about getting married?" Ryujin now asks seriously, 

"What about it?" Lia asks curiously. They have been together for 2 years now and Lia couldn't think of anyone better to be married to than with Ryujin.

"I'm not proposing or anything alright, but I want to marry you someday, that I am sure of....are you okay with that?" Ryujin carefully asks Lia, not really knowing where the other girl stands in this situation.

"I'd like to marry you too someday babe" Lia answers sincerely, "maybe someplace where it is actually legal" Lia says as she kiss Ryujin, "then we'll go to Greece and Japan for your honeymoon" Lia jokingly adds

"I would love that" Ryujin just smiles at the thought. 

"Ugh you're so cute babe" Lia says, looking at Ryujin with a dreamy look in her eyes, full of hope and love. 

"Can we go to our favorite coffee shop later" Ryujin mumbles like a child, back again to her usual self. 

"But that's 30 minutes away" Lia says who went back to measuring, still not done with what she's doing. 

"Please?" Ryujin put on her pleading face and pouts her lips, the thing that Lia couldn't stand the most.

"Fineeee" Lia says defeatedly. 

"Whipped" Ryujin smirks. 

"Shut up" Lia replies. 

A/N: AAAAAaaaaan it's a wrap everyone, thank you again for reading this fanfic. I really hope you enjoyed it. I also hope  you enjoyed those song recommendations I inserted here and there and also the video edits :3 thank youuu and good bye <3 

- ash

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